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New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« on: November 02, 2019, 11:38:26 am »
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Algorithm (mc ff mf fd md) (1 new chapter)  by Carefully Random
Tiffany’s friends discover the mind blanking capabilities of an audio visual sensory input algorithm.  It isn’t long before they want to know how powerful the algorithm can be, but they will need test subjects: willing or otherwise…

The Alpha Girl (mc ff) (new)  by Kallie
Persephone is turned into a werewolf and forced to compete with Iris, the alpha, for her place in the pack

Be Merry, Get Your Wife From Brooks Inc. (mc mf md) (new)  by Twirling Thoughts
Bob decides that he would prefer his wife Hope be a contented vintage housewife.

Betsy’s Awakens (mc mf ff fd gr be) (1 new chapter)  by HB5211
Betsy wakes up and realizes everything she experienced at the hands of Heather was a dream, or was it?

Blizzard (mc mf ff) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
When Gene treats a strange visitor to better hospitality than she thinks she’s worth, she overcompensates him with three beautiful co-ed princesses. Auditors have been notified of the discrepancy.

Blood on Parchment (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Doctor D.
Alderose’s husband-to-be has been missing for several weeks. Though no one believes her, she’s pretty sure he’s been taken by another woman. Or a monster. She isn’t too sure.

The Brides of Tsath (mc mf ff mm in ft sf) (new)  by Templeton Rose
A Lovecraftian god transforms two families into pantyhose sex slaves.

But I Don’t Really Want This (mc mf md fd gr hm ex) (1 new chapter)  by Pomelo
Will and Nicole find their relationship changing again in at first subtle and then not-so-subtle ways.

A Campaign of the Mind (mc mf ff md fd ds gr) (4 new chapters)  by Dungeon Master
A DnD campaign leader gets more than what he bargained for when he realizes the rolls he makes during the game with the dice set he got as a birthday present have far greater implications to all their lives...

Corn Maze (mc mf md) (new)  by Mind Control Master
Faye meets a stranger while going through a corn maze.

Corruption Games (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by S. B.
Alexandra Ryder—a.k.a. Agent 47-D—is back and this time it’s personal.

Crossing the Rubicon (mc mf fd md) (4 new chapters)  by br0adband
There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

Editing Reality Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

Finishing School (mc mf md) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Clara is sent to a special finishing school to be prepared to be the perfect wife.

Frank & Jessy — Collar Play (mc mf md fd bd ft sf) (1 new chapter)  by schizo
Jessy purchases some illegal tech for her and Frank to play with.

Fun with Sabrina & Jon (mc mf fd ft cb) (1 new chapter)  by me-chan
A collection of moments between two ardent lovers and their mind-control dynamic.

The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Argos
A continued look at the marriage of Elle and her hypnotically enslaved husband Louis.

Hand Worship (mc ff bd ds) (new)  by Sammynona
Diana asked her girlfriend to give her a taste of bondage and domination, but she didn’t account for just how wonderful her girlfriend’s hands would feel teasing her

Her Husband’s Hucow (mc ff ma la gr ds) (new)  by CNP
Mary and a few of her old college friends are invited to an almost forgotten friend’s home. What was expected to be a weekend of relaxation and reminiscing soon turns into something more expansive to the exquisite delight of everyone involved.

How Many Times Do I Have to Scream Your Name? (mc ff) (new)  by AskJeeves
Miranda, a demanding fashion magazine editor, trains a new assistant.

I Hate My Master (mc mm) (2 new chapters)  by maxrpotter
Mark moves in with a new roommate, and finds himself getting annoyed by a few small things about him, like when he leaves dishes in the sink, or when he leaves his clothes around the place, or when he gives Mark orders that he is unable to disobey.

I Hear and Obey (mc ff mf fd sf rb) (2 new chapters)  by Roboman127
A powerful woman maintains her supply of Slaves from Earth of the past and present.

In Good Hands (mc mf ff md ma in) (1 new chapter)  by Quiet Hypnotist
While living alone under one roof with her horny cousin, Chayenne grows more and more puzzled over her reaction to him. If only she could calm down and figure out what’s wrong. Surely his massages could help?

Law & Orders — Moot Court (mc mf md fd) (new)  by scifiscribbler
Competition for law grads is fierce, but an urban legend could provide a short cut into the best loved law firm in state.

Life Sucks (mc mf md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Women are compelled by an addiction.

Magical Girl Syn (mc mf ff md gr) (1 new chapter)  by Jennifer Kohl
Cynthia’s magical powers are unlocked at the age of eighteen, but along with them comes a terrible curse. Wait a minute—is it really so terrible?

The McAlistair House (mc ff) (new)  by Mr. Scade
Cassie receives a text from her friend Maeve, and this sets her up for a strange night visiting the McAlistair House, and meeting the denizens of that strange place.

The Mind Control Device (mc mf ff md in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Dean invents a mind control device.

Pact (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Meleva
Truth has tried for twenty years to live quietly, to tend her farm, to forget all about the Pact that she was born to obey and bound to enforce. But an urgent need will pull her back to the magic that she’s spent so long seeking to abandon.

Party Treats (mc ff) (new)  by HypnoticHarlequin
May and all of her friends have turned up to a Halloween party dressed as vampires. Alas, someone doesn’t approve of their costume choice.

The Perfect Subject (mc ff mf fd md) (1 new chapter)  by Rhea Corvos
Melanie hopes to make some easy money by taking part in a scientific study. The scientists studying her are surprised by what they find.

Principal of Revenge (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Alyce Moore
Devon uses his knowlege of herbology and natural medicine to concoct an elaborate revenge on his high school.

Probed (mc mf ff md fd rb la sf) (1 new chapter)  by MCaesar
A group of college students are abducted by aliens wishing to study human sexuality.

Room 126 (mc mm) (new)  by Jukebox
Ronald arrives at a hotel he doesn’t recognize, and asks for the key to a room he doesn’t remember.

The Runic Emperor (mc mf mm md) (2 new chapters)  by Barry Barlow
A young emperor and his sister must use ancient magic to create a golem to defend his city. But was it a mistake to give it hypnotic eyes?

The Spa (Dede) (mc ff) (3 new chapters)  by Dede
Denise, a stressed-out teacher, takes a spa vacation.

Space Nut (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
Adam discovers a crash landed alien who shares a taste for women with him, and together they will have them all, no matter the price.

Stop Watch: Genesis (mc mf ff md fd in ts) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
Mike continues to use his timestopping power on his family.

Tempest of Trance (mc fd) (new)  by me-chan
A fan and sub of Lee Allure gets a deeper demonstration of the substance of her Beguiled convention class.

The Unbound Genie (mc mf ff mm md fd bd ma ds ex ft gr hm in sf ts) (1 new chapter)  by IronLacedCarbon
Eighteen-year-old Jack Thompson gets a URL link sent to him from an unknown individual, which ends up being some kind of virtual genie’s bottle. With his new abilities, he decides to improve his mundane life bit by bit.

Voodoo Doll Testing (mc mm) (1 new chapter)  by Oddballs
Jordan shows up at Vincent’s front door, wanting to test his new project out on him.

White Pineapple (mc mf md in hm) (1 new chapter)  by All These Roadworks
A mysterious stranger has learned Jaclyn’s hypnotic trigger, and compels her to make a series of choices.

Wildwood (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by notorioushypno
A mind control conspiracy spawns small-town hokum, entangling a group of plucky university students, some deadbeat locals, and a team of federal investigators.

Offline DungeonMaster

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2019, 11:48:48 am »
As such the tale is over...
I recommend reading the epilogue, and if any of you feels like, take up on the challenge and write a better story in this "universe" than I did. Looking at you 321, CR, Shadra and the like! ;)

Offline TwirlingThoughts

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2019, 12:08:25 pm »
Forgot to mention it to Simon, but, to be clear, this new story will be a multi-part story.
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2019, 01:42:26 pm »
Forgot to mention it to Simon, but, to be clear, this new story will be a multi-part story.

I wouldnt worry, Simon will realise that when Chapter 2 arrives, lol

Be Merry, Get Your Wife From Brooks Inc.

Yes, I did get to see this yesterday, when I got back from hospital, which is why the review is so prompt :angel: And yes, loved Chapter 1, and certainly looking forward to seeing more parts, thats for sure. Who me, jealous of Hope? Well, maybe? :grin: Though somehow I suspect Merry might know what the process was like, anyway.
Yes, very honoured to get such a delicious tribute piece, I must say.

Not giving a rating, too much bias, but I loved it, for sure
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Offline Daisy

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2019, 02:09:51 pm »
and with this, people will move on and not read on through what was released last week en masse~

poor stories.
I’m fairly confident she zapped me, or my brain at least, and those lights... those lights did -something-...
For now, I’m being ignored, still strapped naked and helpless to the chair as several men have joined the good doctor to look at whatever it is they’re looking at on that computer display, muttering to themselves and only occasionally glancing over at my as I’m trying avoid a panic attack.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2019, 02:47:34 pm »
and with this, people will move on and not read on through what was released last week en masse~

poor stories.

The best way to get folks to read your older stories seems to be to write new ones that send people on a backlist hunt.
Looks like I'm back, baby!

Offline BethanyP

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2019, 03:37:53 pm »
Great to see Algorithm back and all seems calm and normal, right?  Josh went running.  Trev had breakfast.  Nothing ominous at all, certainly no reason at ALL to think there are any fun plot twists coming. 

I’m more excited for more of this story than ever!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2019, 03:51:21 pm »
and with this, people will move on and not read on through what was released last week en masse~

poor stories.

About that ... first, there may be some advantage, when you have multiple stories, to publish some now and some later rather than all at once, but the sad reality here is that most stories don't get commented on, and there's no way to know whether anyone has even read them. I would like to think that it might've helped you get comments on the 3 stories you posted last week if you'd commented on anyone else's, but the truth is that doesn't seem to matter. As an exercise I went through the 76 submissions that were posted on the archive last week and commented on here to date, and here's what I found:

11 individuals commented on 21 of those 76 stories (27%).
6 of those 11 individuals (more than half) commented on exactly 1 of those 76 stories.
No one commented on more than 7 stories.
7 stories received more than one comment.
The 21 commented-on stories were written by 17 authors (3 of whom submitted more than one).
8 of 21 commented-on stories were purple (MD & FD, or neither), 5 were red (FF), 4 were green (FD), 4 were yellow (MD), and none were blue (MM).

43 more submissions were posted this week. I would be curious to learn whether past profiles of commenters hold true.

Note that I don't write any of this as an indictment of the community ... it seems very supportive and none of its members should feel obligated to ensure that everything receives a comment. Just leveling expectations after 2 years of participating and several more of lurking.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2019, 07:38:36 pm by MetaBob »
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2019, 05:07:03 pm »
I cant comment on your stuff, Daisy, as the only one you posted while I was reviewing had both exhibitionism, and humiliation tags, which would have been major turn offs for me, so wouldnt have bothered with it.

Of yours, the only one that doesnt have either (or both) of those tags is Emily’s Last Bus Ride, which I'm happy to look at if it helps tomorrow, if you would like me too, though if it goes into the 2 areas above very much, you might want to advise me not to do so? Rest wouldnt have got my reviews, retired or not because of health issues, because of those tags mentioned above. 
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Offline Daisy

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2019, 05:32:02 pm »
I cant comment on your stuff, Daisy, as the only one you posted while I was reviewing had both exhibitionism, and humiliation tags, which would have been major turn offs for me, so wouldnt have bothered with it.

Of yours, the only one that doesnt have either (or both) of those tags is Emily’s Last Bus Ride, which I'm happy to look at if it helps tomorrow, if you would like me too, though if it goes into the 2 areas above very much, you might want to advise me not to do so? Rest wouldnt have got my reviews, retired or not because of health issues, because of those tags mentioned above.
do NOT read Emily's Last Bus ride if you're not into humiliation or exhibitionism. Because it goes beyond those. like, really badly. not as horrific as Holly's Spa Vacation but... yeah no don't read it.

Read Bella's Pastoral Life. It's kinda sweet. nothing horrible happens in that.
I’m fairly confident she zapped me, or my brain at least, and those lights... those lights did -something-...
For now, I’m being ignored, still strapped naked and helpless to the chair as several men have joined the good doctor to look at whatever it is they’re looking at on that computer display, muttering to themselves and only occasionally glancing over at my as I’m trying avoid a panic attack.

Offline 321

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2019, 07:43:32 pm »
EEeeeeee! Another update with many, many things to read!

I don't know how I'm going to catch up after being out of town next weekend. I'll give it my best shot, though.

Started off this week with the conclusion of A Campaign of the Mind. I liked the turn of events and especially the instigator of that turn of events! Very clever. As someone who dabbled in these sorts of games, I very much enjoyed this one. Good thing they weren't playing Pathfinder!
(rolls the magic d20
Subtracts eight different things
Adds five other things
Oh also I was affected by that last spell, minus two...
Wait, what's happening again?)

Edit #1:
Law & Orders - Moot Court is an arresting piece. Gavels aren't the only thing being banged in this opening chapter! Great use of what I assume is actual lawyer-ese, and some wonderfully creative trance triggers. I sure like to hold Laurie... er, in contempt... any day of the week.  :) Ends with more hot mind control and the promise of more. Can't wait for the continuation of this trial!

Edit #2:
Wow, I was really reaching there. 

Edit #3:
Algorithm! It's a word I can now type without having to use spell-check! It's also a fantastic story. Our main characters grapple with things, and do so with the help of some very sexy scenes. At the same time, behind the scenes, some hypnotized cogs keep a larger machine running...

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Edit #4:
A great, tense, well-done chapter of Wildwood this week as good guys and bad guys start to battle things out face-to-face. Rival mind-zappers, mindless (and not so mindless) slaves, and more! I love the fact that the bad guys are so confident that this is all going to swing their way in the end. It makes them all the more threatening as antagonists. Sal, like The Terminator, cannot be reasoned with!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2019, 10:10:24 pm by 321 »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2019, 03:24:03 am »
Edit #1:
Law & Orders - Moot Court is an arresting piece. Gavels aren't the only thing being banged in this opening chapter! Great use of what I assume is actual lawyer-ese, and some wonderfully creative trance triggers. I sure like to hold Laurie... er, in contempt... any day of the week.  :) Ends with more hot mind control and the promise of more. Can't wait for the continuation of this trial!

Edit #2:
Wow, I was really reaching there. 

Most of it is actual (tortured) lawyerese, which has been fact-checked by a lawyer and hypnothusiast friend. This whole story built backwards from what will probably be the end of Moot Court Book 4, but by then we'd also hashed out the Law & Orders setting.

The main goal is basically "What if John Grisham but the crime is replaced by kink?" which turns out to be very fun to write.
Looks like I'm back, baby!

Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2019, 06:20:16 am »
I cant comment on your stuff, Daisy, as the only one you posted while I was reviewing had both exhibitionism, and humiliation tags, which would have been major turn offs for me, so wouldnt have bothered with it.

Of yours, the only one that doesnt have either (or both) of those tags is Emily’s Last Bus Ride, which I'm happy to look at if it helps tomorrow, if you would like me too, though if it goes into the 2 areas above very much, you might want to advise me not to do so? Rest wouldnt have got my reviews, retired or not because of health issues, because of those tags mentioned above.
do NOT read Emily's Last Bus ride if you're not into humiliation or exhibitionism. Because it goes beyond those. like, really badly. not as horrific as Holly's Spa Vacation but... yeah no don't read it.

Read Bella's Pastoral Life. It's kinda sweet. nothing horrible happens in that.

I would, but that number of words is way beyond my brain capacity at present, due to cancer treatments, my focus would not cope with 15K plus, sorry. :angel:
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Offline Daisy

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2019, 07:38:35 am »
I cant comment on your stuff, Daisy, as the only one you posted while I was reviewing had both exhibitionism, and humiliation tags, which would have been major turn offs for me, so wouldnt have bothered with it.

Of yours, the only one that doesnt have either (or both) of those tags is Emily’s Last Bus Ride, which I'm happy to look at if it helps tomorrow, if you would like me too, though if it goes into the 2 areas above very much, you might want to advise me not to do so? Rest wouldnt have got my reviews, retired or not because of health issues, because of those tags mentioned above.
do NOT read Emily's Last Bus ride if you're not into humiliation or exhibitionism. Because it goes beyond those. like, really badly. not as horrific as Holly's Spa Vacation but... yeah no don't read it.

Read Bella's Pastoral Life. It's kinda sweet. nothing horrible happens in that.

I would, but that number of words is way beyond my brain capacity at present, due to cancer treatments, my focus would not cope with 15K plus, sorry. :angel:
then you have something to look forward to when you heal up :3 take good care of yourself
I’m fairly confident she zapped me, or my brain at least, and those lights... those lights did -something-...
For now, I’m being ignored, still strapped naked and helpless to the chair as several men have joined the good doctor to look at whatever it is they’re looking at on that computer display, muttering to themselves and only occasionally glancing over at my as I’m trying avoid a panic attack.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2019, 10:56:12 am »
As a slow reader, there are otherwise interesting stories this week I will probably never get to. Almost anything over 5k words per weekly submission is just too much ...  :(

Offline 321

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2019, 12:33:56 pm »

Another fun chapter of Blizzard. Gene's lucky to have such a good brother to offer advice and encouragement whilst looking the other way when he hears things like "I've got to get her into the boots."  ;)  If only Gene had that kind of good fortune with the overprotective fathers in his new life! This chapter ends with a witty back-and-forth and the promise of more to come. Welcome back, Blizzard!

Just got caught up on Magical Girl Syn, and...
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There's plenty of action and excitement here as Cynthia's adversary doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. He holds plenty of cards and he's not afraid to use them. But he doesn't hold all the cards, now does he? And that's where we leave off for now, on a cliffhanger!

Offline 321

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2019, 12:39:33 pm »
Edit #1:
Law & Orders - Moot Court is an arresting piece. Gavels aren't the only thing being banged in this opening chapter! Great use of what I assume is actual lawyer-ese, and some wonderfully creative trance triggers. I sure like to hold Laurie... er, in contempt... any day of the week.  :) Ends with more hot mind control and the promise of more. Can't wait for the continuation of this trial!

Edit #2:
Wow, I was really reaching there. 

Most of it is actual (tortured) lawyerese, which has been fact-checked by a lawyer and hypnothusiast friend. This whole story built backwards from what will probably be the end of Moot Court Book 4, but by then we'd also hashed out the Law & Orders setting.

The main goal is basically "What if John Grisham but the crime is replaced by kink?" which turns out to be very fun to write.

If only we could convince Hollywood to turn this into a big-budget A-list picture.

A great start to what's shaping up to be a great story.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2019, 02:15:20 pm »
Just got caught up on Magical Girl Syn, and...
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There's plenty of action and excitement here as Cynthia's adversary doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. He holds plenty of cards and he's not afraid to use them. But he doesn't hold all the cards, now does he? And that's where we leave off for now, on a cliffhanger!

Thank you kindly!

And funny you should say that about Cynthia’s adversary...  >:D


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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2019, 02:21:34 pm »
Started reading The Brides of Tsath and I am really liking it. Can't say how much the pantyhose enslavement serial corruption sub-genre has been in need of some innovation, but here it is. Have to read it at a slower pace to really appreciate.

It is hot in the "human sexuality can really be just toyed with", full of hot sex scenes, and told in a very Dracula-esque way. Loving it!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2019, 08:31:09 pm »
Loved several continuing stories this week, starting with Corruption by S.B. The second-hand account of Alexandra's powerful effect on an agent was nice, partly by how understated the trigger was, and how casually Alexandra shows up to prove it so powerful. Looks like all the pawn pieces lined up nicely for her, and can't wait to see what shakes out later.

Argos' Further Adventures of Louis and Elle gives another great pin-up chapter. Love how slyly Elle gets revenge by creating a new character out of describing her own account of becoming one. Louis' confusion after makes for great comedy, especially in how much Elle plans for him to make Satin Doll a recurring character to embody.

And Meleva's Pact keeps getting me more involved with Truth and Callum. Wouldn't at all be upset if the rest of the story is just these two playing off each other in mundane, tense, or sometimes sexy, mind-controlled scenes. How he trusts her unstatedly, and just accepts her power is the best trait for both of them, and I love how it's slowly bringing Truth to a point where her abilities aren't seen as inherent curse.

For newer stories to me, How Many Times Do I Have to Scream Your Name, I never thought a brainwashing retelling of Devil Wears Prada would work, but this one really did for me, giving a realistic view of the small changes that would eventually pay dividends. Imagining the film's actresses act out the story beats was pretty fun, especially the end with the night in Paris. Nice to see a story of a movie it took a while to like unexpectedly work.

Hand Worship by Sammynona was a nice exchange of how far some sensual exchanges can veer into almost experimental mind games and erotic hypnosis. Reading the gentle effect Ellie had on Diana, her hands becoming more and more worth begging for, was pretty hot, and love the light, romantic tone kept throughout.

Hypnotic Harlequin's Party Treats was another funny story, to see a real vampire put cosplayers in their place. It was a literal treat to see how Elizebeth handle being insulted to setting the girls up for feeding, to continuously being insulted before the end. Another great Halloween story for this year.

And though it's many chapters in, looked into the beginning of Crossing the Rubicon, and despite the length of all the chapters, the content was very worth following, with realistic aspects of a hypno fan finding himself discovering being lured into a hypno scene, and it all played out smart and beautifully. This one I think will be a fun one to keep following, though it will certainly take time to.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2019, 12:30:19 am »

Another fun chapter of Blizzard. Gene's lucky to have such a good brother to offer advice and encouragement whilst looking the other way when he hears things like "I've got to get her into the boots."  ;)  If only Gene had that kind of good fortune with the overprotective fathers in his new life! This chapter ends with a witty back-and-forth and the promise of more to come. Welcome back, Blizzard!

Thank you so much. Really love writing Gene's brother and that quip about coffee from Sam's dad is my favorite funny moment in the story.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2019, 12:44:19 am »
Her Husband’s Hucow (mc ff ma la gr ds) (new)  by CNP
Mary and a few of her old college friends are invited to an almost forgotten friend’s home. What was expected to be a weekend of relaxation and reminiscing soon turns into something more expansive to the exquisite delight of everyone involved.

I purchased this story via Amazon when it first showed up, forever ago now. I really enjoyed it then, and I'm still digging it now. I'm interested to read this serialized, instead of all at once as before, so I'll be sticking with the weekly updates. Sorry to be late on this one. This and "Malaking Suso" are two of CNP's best stories, and top shelf hucow stories, so if you're a fan, I highly recommend checking this out.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2019, 04:06:23 am »
I really enjoyed In Good Hands! Hot stuff. Can't help but wonder if my own Massaged by my Nerdy Brother was an inspiration...
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Re: New Releases-Saturday November 2, 2019
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2019, 07:31:31 pm »
Her Husband’s Hucow (mc ff ma la gr ds) (new)  by CNP
Mary and a few of her old college friends are invited to an almost forgotten friend’s home. What was expected to be a weekend of relaxation and reminiscing soon turns into something more expansive to the exquisite delight of everyone involved.

I purchased this story via Amazon when it first showed up, forever ago now. I really enjoyed it then, and I'm still digging it now. I'm interested to read this serialized, instead of all at once as before, so I'll be sticking with the weekly updates. Sorry to be late on this one. This and "Malaking Suso" are two of CNP's best stories, and top shelf hucow stories, so if you're a fan, I highly recommend checking this out.

Thank you, as always Charles Wallace for the kinds words! My apologies for being such a slow writer! Give thanks to CJ for keeping me writing - as it was his ideas that lead to both this story, Malaking Suso, and the one that's about to be finished - which reminded that Her Husband's Hucow never made it to McStories. So belatedly correcting that omission!