Author Topic: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019  (Read 25450 times)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2019, 06:10:47 pm »
I think with an update this size, many folks who will eventually hear something won't for a while.

But you, dear author, get to hear something right now, with that being an expression of my love for the particular brand of low key sinister that Zack and Millie is peddling. Such good times! Nighthawks was another example of your skill at crafting this sort of story, and I’d love to read any more twists on the general concept you come up with.

I'm very glad to hear that, especially as there's three more chapters to come, minimum. (I've only written up to chapter 3 so far.)

Depending on which side of things you enjoy, the upcoming Test Cases: Abigail and Beatrice might hit your spot, or if not, Advent Calendar will drop in late December.
Looks like I'm back, baby!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2019, 08:57:24 pm »
Morbida’s Cinema Crematorium: Halloween Special (mc ff) (new)  by HypnoticHarlequin
Morbida finds out that an old film may be more horrific than she imagined.

Amusing and sufficiently silly at the start. I honestly had no idea what to expect. Like with Morbida, I was hooked to find out was what going on, not even sure what to guess what was between those red frames. OK, yeah, it was clearly creating a hypnotic effect, but that was to be expected in a story presumably involving mind control! Structurally and thematically, I was reminded of the anthology series Night Gallery, which liked to dance slyly from comedy to horror. This was a wonderfully bizarre piece you need to read to the end.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2019, 11:06:19 pm »
So many many many stories! Let's get started!

It seems like every good D&D campaign has a twist or two, and A Campaign of the Mind delivers a nice one here. Not a lot happens in these short chapters, but what does is a nice set-up for the next part of the story. Great stuff!

The Perfect Subject is back with another great chapter. Melanie thinks that she's got everyone fooled, but she's only fooling herself as she is slowly and utterly brainwashed into servitude. Ah, but what uses will she be put to in future chapters? Can't wait to find out!

Meanwhile, over at The Spa, Denise is feeling pretty great after her massage. Too bad she won't remember any of it! The promised mind control arrives on these three short chapters, and it seems like Denise's day is only going to get longer from here...

MCaesar's Probed is off to an interesting start. Some college kids go camping in the woods, pair up in their tents, and... well, college kids in tents, ammirite? But who are these aliens with the mesmerizing jade lights? Let's see what happens next (presumably, more probing!)

Every year, I read HypnoticHarlequin's latest story about Trick and Treat, and every year I get those damn rhymes stuck in my head! It's easy to see why so many lovely ladies fall under their spell! This one is especially fun as our spectral friends pull a Ghostwatch with a pretty TV reporter and her colleagues back at Channel 7. See you two next year!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2019, 03:40:03 pm »
One Villain (mc mf fd ft) (new)  by Mistress Dyvia
During a hero-themed Halloween concert, a flash of energy leaves all the attendees as their hero namesakes… But what happens to the one woman dressed as a Supervillain?

Transforming into whatever your costume is can be a great concept. It is as much wish fulfillment as much as it isn't. Dressing up does not necessarily mean you want to be what the costume replicates, but it can mean that you idolize in some way. As a tongue in cheek aside, did not find the "rules for subs" side-game pretentious; just too many of them :P ! Anyway, this was fun from the start, and I'm sure that little game can be, too :) . What I really enjoyed, beyond the TF elements, was the concept of identity in the context of the costumed beings they became. If you feel "normal" even after the change, can you objectively even say you feel "wrong" or significantly different. At the same time, costumed heroes and villains often feel more "normal" in costume. Great stuff on EMCSA alone ...

But you know what? I don't normally plug into Patreon, but when I do ... I was so mesmerized by the Enthralltress, there was no way I was not going to finish this! Well, maybe not all of the succeeding story was to my tastes, heat-wise, but it was still more than fun and hot most of the time! The climax, as it were, and ironic epilogue was simply fantastic. Not really a true sub. However, I probably wouldn't have much concern becoming one for the Enthralltress  ;)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2019, 08:53:40 pm »
Spores (mc mf gr) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Aliens arrive and transform the Earth.

Some of my earliest fantasies and writing involved "spores" as a MC and TF medium. Inhaling something transformative is a fun concept, because we all have to breathe! Anyway, I really liked how this was subtly old school. We got a local, a "meteor," the military flying in, and something coming from that meteor. Tried and true elements. OK, maybe this was all a bit too quick at times and silly. I guess the military didn't try very hard to find their missing soldiers! It was still a fun read.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2019, 11:46:25 pm »
Worst Best Bimbo (mc mf ff md gr) (new)  by Limerick
Katie might look and act like all the other girls who have been transformed into bimbos, but she has a Big Secret that she can never tell anyone.

This was a short one by Limerick, in a very stacked update, but I really, really enjoyed it. The premise was fun, and it perfectly set up the "twist" at the end.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2019, 04:42:30 am »

Easy to Ignore (mc mf fd) (new)  by Jukebox
Bryce keeps getting distracted by a fellow student while studying, but she’s got a few tips that will help him focus.

Brisk, but nice and hot. I generally think you know what you're getting from a Jukebox and it delivers.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday October 26th 2019
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2019, 12:18:26 pm »
Really enjoyed A Tasty Treat by Gleeful Abandon. Even more impressive that it's the author's first story posted on the site. It's a brisk read, but it manages to pace the protagonist's brainwashing in such a way that it never feels rushed. The concept is also interesting. I always enjoy a good story that blends consumer products and mind control in a semi-believable way (okay, believable for MC fiction).

Also, the new chapter of The Perfect Subject by Rhea Corvos is great. More excellent writing and hot hypnotized action with inanimate objects. I do sort of miss Melanie's anarchic personality, though. Once the protagonist has lost free will, a story runs the risk of growing stale, but the author here does a good job hinting at growing tension among the brainwashers. Looking forward to the next installment.
Frying and abiding, I'm in your control