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New Releases-October 12th 2019
« on: October 12, 2019, 01:18:56 pm »
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The next udpate will be the weekend of 26 October 2019.

Active Listening (mc mf md ds hm) (new)  by All These Roadworks
Olivia’s sexist boss makes her take a special training course.

Before I Forget (Jukebox) (mc ff hu) (new)  by Jukebox
Vicki leaves herself an important note to remind herself not to fall into Holly’s thrall, but the brainwashing drugs are already kicking in as she writes it.

The Bimbo System (mc mf ff md ds la gr) (new)  by All These Roadworks
A disgruntled employee leaves a video with subliminal messages at a plastic surgeon’s office.

Binding Rings (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A chance discovery changes a young man’s life—and not always for the better.

Blizzard (mc mf ff) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
When Gene treats a strange visitor to better hospitality than she thinks she’s worth, she overcompensates him with three beautiful co-ed princesses. Auditors have been notified of the discrepancy.

Blood on Parchment (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Doctor D.
Alderose’s husband-to-be has been missing for several weeks. Though no one believes her, she’s pretty sure he’s been taken by another woman. Or a monster. She isn’t too sure.

Blowjob Fairy (mc mf fd gr hu) (new)  by The Scrivener’s Paradox
No matter what Nate thinks, accidentally summoning a blowjob fairy is not a good idea.

Bonus Paring: Sharing with Kaari (mc ff hm fu la) (new)  by GigglingGoblin
A normally dominant catgirl finds herself helplessly submitting to the pretty eyes of a buxom lamia—and only too eager to lure her weak-willed girlfriend into the sweet hypnosis of her new Mistress’s comfy coils, spiraling eyes, and big, bouncy boobies.

A Campaign of the Mind (mc mf ff md fd ds gr) (3 new chapters)  by Dungeon Master
A DnD campaign leader gets more than what he bargained for when he realizes the rolls he makes during the game with the dice set he got as a birthday present have far greater implications to all their lives...

Coming Up (mc mm) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Bob’s life changes after he visits a male strip club.

The Corruption of Candace Kraft (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by scifiscribbler
Dr Kraft is annoyed to have to share her office space with another researcher.

Crossing the Rubicon (mc mf fd md) (new)  by br0adband
There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

Dampest Dungeon: Flower Progeny (mc mf fd) (new)  by Half Shim
Al and Sam are sent on a dungeon quest by a plant-woman.

Dea Ex Machina (Carol J.) (mc fd ma) (new)  by Carol J.
Travis just got a promotion at work, but it’s been causing him more stress than anything else. He’s been worrying all about if he’ll be able to handle it, and he doesn’t know what to do! Lucky for him, his digital assistant Vera is going to take care of everything.

Emily’s Last Bus Ride (mc mf md ds sf) (new)  by Daisy Isabella Britt de Melcker
Emily Oliver rides the bus and talks to a stranger. She is never heard from again.

The Girls of S.L.E.E.P. — N.C.U. (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Sleepy Hypno
Rayne, Trisha, Laura, and Eve get set up for the first meeting of the hypnosis sorority, Sigma Lambda Epsilon Epsilon Pi.

How I Got Here (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by The Scrivener’s Paradox
A man describes how he suddenly became very successful with women, and how it affected his life and the world.

I Hear and Obey (mc ff mf fd sf rb) (2 new chapters)  by Roboman127
A powerful woman maintains her supply of Slaves from Earth of the past and present.

Intrepid Pawns (mc ff mf fd hm ds la) (1 new chapter)  by GigglingGoblin
To save their city, a band of knights sets out to track down a hive of honey-dripping Thriae fey. But can they work together long enough to resist the sweetest of temptations?

The Mind Control Device (mc mf ff md in) (new)  by mypenname3000
Dean invents a mind control device.

Music Box (mc ma) (new)  by MoldedMind
A woman finds a strange music box that she has never seen before while cleaning.

My First Hypno Con (mc mm fd) (1 new chapter)  by Renensco
Joe goes to his first Hypno Convention and is surprised when his fantasies start coming true.

One Hot Summer — Redux (mc mf ff md in ex) (1 new chapter)  by Anonymous-043
A new swim coach turns up the heat for summer vacation.

Packback (mc mf ff fd in ft bd) (2 new chapters)  by MɛtaBob
Lust, love, and renewal on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Pact (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Meleva
Truth has tried for twenty years to live quietly, to tend her farm, to forget all about the Pact that she was born to obey and bound to enforce. But an urgent need will pull her back to the magic that she’s spent so long seeking to abandon.

The Perfect Subject (mc mf md) (new)  by Rhea Corvos
Melanie hopes to make some easy money by taking part in a scientific study. The scientists studying her are surprised by what they find.

Poisonous Sleep (mc mf fd) (new)  by Carol J.
Carlos has never heard of a “bedhouse” before. When the first employee he sees there is a succubus, though, he has a guess why his friend was so eager to bring him there. And when the devilish secretary’s starts to cast her spell over him, Carlos is more than happy to follow her every suggestion.

Precognition (mc mf md bd cb) (new)  by TheHandsThatLead
4sight is one of the most trusted and powerful heroes in the league, but can even she stop what’s coming?

Principal of Revenge (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Alyce Moore
Devon uses his knowlege of herbology and natural medicine to concoct an elaborate revenge on his high school.

Quest for Blood (mc mf ff md) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A police detective investigates a rapist who turns out to be a vampire.

Quitters Inc. (mc ft) (1 new chapter)  by Gettoman
A married couple enter a special program to help them stop smoking.

The Ring Two — Hard Boys (mc mm) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Marc receives a package in the mail that will change his life.

The Ring — Endgame (mc mf mm) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Spike has something to show Toby that will change his life.

Savannah’s Hypnotic Socks (mc ff ft) (1 new chapter)  by Fibaro
A co-ed gets a pair of hypnotic socks that she uses on her roommate.

Searching For Eden (mc mf fd rb) (new)  by Carol J.
When AIs suddenly achieved sapience, most of humanity surrendered to their control immediately. Only a handful of rebels stood against them, and Reed Bradshaw is proud to be one. But when the enemy is an army of perfect, immortal robots, is it really possible to hold out forever? Especially when deep down, submission seems so...enticing?

The Son Also Rises (mc mf ff md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Karen does not look forward to when her son Kirk comes home.

The Spa (Dede) (mc ff) (new)  by Dede
Denise, a stressed-out teacher, takes a spa vacation.

Under (mc mf md) (new)  by Gris
Finally having moved into their own apartment, Audrey finds herself slowly dragged into a new world of which her long-term boyfriend Damian is a part—willingly, or otherwise.

Untold Stories (mc mf fd hu) (1 new chapter)  by S. B.
Enough with the same boring tales of handsome princes and damsels in distress! It’s time for fairytales to go kinky, one childhood memory twisted at a time.

Valkyrie Don’t Cry (mc mf ff md fd) (new)  by littlefrog66
A Middle aged lawyer becomes entangled in a young girls life. She’s seeking revenge when they are both killed and brought back to life by 10 dimensional being. They recruit a team of girls to investigate and seek her revenge.

Wildwood (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by notorioushypno
A mind control conspiracy spawns small-town hokum, entangling a group of plucky university students, some deadbeat locals, and a team of federal investigators.

The Written Truth (mc mf md in hm) (1 new chapter)  by Mr. B
Stacy’s life turns upside down when she listens to a hypnosis file that makes everything written on her come true.

Yuma Blood Farm (mc ff mf fd) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Two refugees are recruited into Lilith’s harem.

Great job Duke.
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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 01:34:30 pm »
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ :D *bouncy cow* I'm published~
I’m fairly confident she zapped me, or my brain at least, and those lights... those lights did -something-...
For now, I’m being ignored, still strapped naked and helpless to the chair as several men have joined the good doctor to look at whatever it is they’re looking at on that computer display, muttering to themselves and only occasionally glancing over at my as I’m trying avoid a panic attack.

Offline MetaBob

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2019, 03:41:34 pm »
Many congratulations to Daisy for her second story, Dede for her second story in 10 years, and really nice to see br0adband again!
My stories on Smashwords, EMCSA, and Literotica. Also, my Goodreads blog.

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2019, 04:01:23 pm »
Thanks for the nod, and while I forgot to add a "To be continued..." note to "Crossing The Rubicon," it indeed has a long way to go (working on Chapter 15 presently). It's a big one, so, we'll see what happens.
If you can't stop thinking it, don't stop working for it. -- My contributions to the Hypnopics Collection can be located HERE - My stories at the EMCSA can be located  HERE

Offline CerebusOne

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2019, 09:50:29 pm »
Speaking of Dede, she wrote one of my absolute favorite stories this week......and there was no MC in it yet! Now that is hard to do.

But when you read a setup like she did in The Spa it just means pleasure postponed is pleasure intensified. I LOVE how the author really took good sweet time in letting us get to know Denise. I mean this character comes alive. We know about her background, why she is where she is in life, what she is like, her emotional and financial situation, her personality. It is all there as preamble for what is to come. There is nothing better than getting to know a person before any changes, because it gives real meaning and contrast when the changes start to come. And Dede really showed off all her skills as a writer in doing all this. I really care for this girl, she has a true story to her life.

And man, I can't wait to see where this goes next. That is all a tribute to the writing skill and vision of Dede. GREAT JOB! Thanks for such a terrific and interesting start to a story. I hope this story has many chapters left in it.

Was sad to see One Hot Summer Redux by Anonymous 043 come to an end. I really liked everything about it, the characters, the setting, the swim team and Rachel and her mother and of course the good coach who everyone trusts. And the induction and MC scenes were first rate as well. I know this story was a shout out to an earlier version but Anonymous really ran with it and made it so good. I wish it had gone on longer because I thought this was the best chapter yet with what was coming for Rachel and best friend Sharon. Damn!

The Corruption of Candace Kraft by Scifiscribbler just keeps getting better and more complicated and interesting. Once again a well written, thought out story-line with really good MC in it. The plot is very good with scientist Candace and receptionist Lucy, now Lulu, falling under the sinister sway of a Doctor who is embittered and damaged by life. Once again, the story and MC are first rate here. The chapter today with Lulu's breakup with her boyfriend and then further mental programming now as a poor, compliant guinea pig was hot as hell. The Doctor considers her only good for physical labor. Yikes. That is dismissive. And loved how Candace, springing from her jealousy subtly urges the Doctor to work more drastic, vicious changes to Lulu's mind. Just great stuff. What else will the Doctor do to her now?

I'm a sucker for 'girl takes money for medical experiment stories' and The Perfect Subject by Rhea Corvos did not disappoint in the least. Melanie was milking the system in her clever, lying way but ended up taking money one to many times for it. The writer did a great job letting us to get to know Melanie in a short amount of time before her induction. Always a huge plus in my book with MC stories. Good work. Never thought a woman lusting to have sex for a chair could be so hot. It is.

Can't wait to see the next chapter and what the 24 million dollars is all about. Not sure it will be anything good for Melanie.

Haven't had a chance to read others yet.


« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 01:30:15 am by CerebusOne »

Offline walter_kovacs

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2019, 12:33:14 am »
The Blowjob Fairy, by The Scrivener's Paradox

I liked this one a lot. The Fairy's personality and general ignorance was very fun. I certainly hope she does get more work - and that we get to see it  >:D

Emily's Last Bus Ride, by Daisy Isabella Britt de Melcker

I read this one on the forums, but decided to do a quick skim now that it's published. Alien-alien stuff is a squick for me, although there is stuff to like here beyond that. I always like They Live type illusions on aliens as a concept (although not necessarily just in the sexual context - I mean it's just a fun idea). I also like that it feels quite raw, like a fantasy that just lept straight out from someone's head onto the page.

Offline DungeonMaster

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2019, 03:29:13 am »
A big chunk of available for everyone, and I sincerely hope those who spend the time on it will enjoy it. It's damn spicy...

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2019, 04:39:36 am »

The Corruption of Candace Kraft by Scifiscribbler just keeps getting better and more complicated and interesting. Once again a well written, thought out story-line with really good MC in it. The plot is very good with scientist Candace and receptionist Lucy, now Lulu, falling under the sinister sway of a Doctor who is embittered and damaged by life. Once again, the story and MC are first rate here. The chapter today with Lulu's breakup with her boyfriend and then further mental programming now as a poor, compliant guinea pig was hot as hell. The Doctor considers her only good for physical labor. Yikes. That is dismissive. And loved how Candace, springing from her jealousy subtly urges the Doctor to work more drastic, vicious changes to Lulu's mind. Just great stuff. What else will the Doctor do to her now?

There are two more chapters to come, so there's plenty of room to see. But there's also a reason this is set in 2005 - there are a bunch more stories which will keep rolling out (so long as the Patreon keeps giving me a reason to prioritise writing them over other leisure pursuits) in this setting. Candace's corruption won't completely end with this story, and honestly, there are others who will change as a result...
Looks like I'm back, baby!

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2019, 04:50:25 am »
Emily's Last Bus Ride, by Daisy Isabella Britt de Melcker

I read this one on the forums, but decided to do a quick skim now that it's published. Alien-alien stuff is a squick for me, although there is stuff to like here beyond that. I always like They Live type illusions on aliens as a concept (although not necessarily just in the sexual context - I mean it's just a fun idea). I also like that it feels quite raw, like a fantasy that just lept straight out from someone's head onto the page.
This story was born from comments on Holly's Spa Vacation that, even though Holly is based on a real person who's just all over the place, she seemed inconsistent.

So I wanted not just Emily but what happens to Emily to be fully consistent, and on a neat downward decline.
I’m fairly confident she zapped me, or my brain at least, and those lights... those lights did -something-...
For now, I’m being ignored, still strapped naked and helpless to the chair as several men have joined the good doctor to look at whatever it is they’re looking at on that computer display, muttering to themselves and only occasionally glancing over at my as I’m trying avoid a panic attack.

Offline walter_kovacs

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2019, 05:27:48 am »
A big chunk of available for everyone, and I sincerely hope those who spend the time on it will enjoy it. It's damn spicy...

I'll dive in soon and report back

Offline Dede

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2019, 05:53:27 am »
Speaking of Dede, she wrote one of my absolute favorite stories this week......and there was no MC in it yet! Now that is hard to do.

But when you read a setup like she did in The Spa it just means pleasure postponed is pleasure intensified. I LOVE how the author really took good sweet time in letting us get to know Denise. I mean this character comes alive. We know about her background, why she is where she is in life, what she is like, her emotional and financial situation, her personality. It is all there as preamble for what is to come. There is nothing better than getting to know a person before any changes, because it gives real meaning and contrast when the changes start to come. And Dede really showed off all her skills as a writer in doing all this. I really care for this girl, she has a true story to her life.

And man, I can't wait to see where this goes next. That is all a tribute to the writing skill and vision of Dede. GREAT JOB! Thanks for such a terrific and interesting start to a story. I hope this story has many chapters left in it.

Wow thank you SO much! I was a bit worried when I decided to only send the first three chapters, because there wasn't any MC yet. You've just validated my decision!
There are nine more chapters left, so I'll try to have 3 more per update.
And yes, she does have a true story to her life - it's mine, after all. :)
Thanks again!

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2019, 06:02:11 am »
Many congratulations to Daisy for her second story, Dede for her second story in 10 years, and really nice to see br0adband again!

I've been writing these past ten years, I just have been away from this place. So I have a whole bunch of stories to eventually get posted here!
Thanks to whoever invited me to a Discord server a few weeks ago and brought me back...

Offline walter_kovacs

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2019, 08:02:49 am »
A Campaign of the Mind by Dungeon Master

The concept for the plot is good, and the mechanism for the mind control is interesting. When it gets to the characters being controlled it's enjoyable, so I think there's a good story here, but it's held back by several things.

The biggest weakness here is technical. The use of a large number of ellipses where periods would do just fine is a little unusual, word choices are odd in places, and some sentences seem incorrect (although you can generally infer it's meaning from context). I noticed this more in the first two chapter, but that might also be because they were the largest.

Structurally, the pace picks up considerably after the end of Chapter 1, which could be a bit heavy for people to get through. A lot of set up, a lot of character descriptions that aren't really necessary (e.g. giving everybody's height), etc. The character introductions feel a bit like reading a Dramatis Personae mixed in with the start of the story, which is something I'd recommend avoiding.

Some miscellaneous things that stood out, not necessarily critiques:

  • The use of "Native 20" instead of "Natural 20" makes me wonder if that's a translation of the term from another language? If not, I've never heard that phrase used so that's interesting either way.
  • Damn Tiefling Warlocks, I swear everybody and their mum want to be one of those  >:D
  • I laughed when one character was mentioned as being a bad person because they'd stolen things - in the first chapter they were mentioned as having taken a biscuit out of the "DM only" jar, which struck me as a particularly hilarious contrast to the other accusations attached to them - felt a bit like "Murder, Arson, and Jaywalking"  :police:

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2019, 09:03:19 am »
First of all, thanks for the excellent feedback, it's so much appreciated...
For the technicalities my excuses follow:
-English isn't my native language
-I use context heavily
-This is still my first story
I felt obligated to make a thorough descrpition phase for some godforsaken reason, so it happened. I also had no clue what the hell I was doing back then, so part of the reason for it being awkward with is me being awkward...
For the native 20, my GM used that as a word when I first played DnD, and it just stuck with me.
The "DM jar" thing started as a bit of a joke, and I kinda forgot to remove it... Oops...
Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed the story so far, maybe even enough for you to want to read on, and again I have to thank you for this good feedback, it's absolutely inaincredible value for me.

Offline CerebusOne

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2019, 11:30:23 am »

The Corruption of Candace Kraft by Scifiscribbler just keeps getting better and more complicated and interesting. Once again a well written, thought out story-line with really good MC in it. The plot is very good with scientist Candace and receptionist Lucy, now Lulu, falling under the sinister sway of a Doctor who is embittered and damaged by life. Once again, the story and MC are first rate here. The chapter today with Lulu's breakup with her boyfriend and then further mental programming now as a poor, compliant guinea pig was hot as hell. The Doctor considers her only good for physical labor. Yikes. That is dismissive. And loved how Candace, springing from her jealousy subtly urges the Doctor to work more drastic, vicious changes to Lulu's mind. Just great stuff. What else will the Doctor do to her now?

There are two more chapters to come, so there's plenty of room to see. But there's also a reason this is set in 2005 - there are a bunch more stories which will keep rolling out (so long as the Patreon keeps giving me a reason to prioritise writing them over other leisure pursuits) in this setting. Candace's corruption won't completely end with this story, and honestly, there are others who will change as a result...


Looking forward very much to more. This is really good story. But you are a terrific writer and this is not the first of your stories I have enjoyed. I hope both remaining chapters are real long, oh about 50 thousand words each would be just about right, lol.

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2019, 11:31:55 am »
Speaking of Dede, she wrote one of my absolute favorite stories this week......and there was no MC in it yet! Now that is hard to do.

But when you read a setup like she did in The Spa it just means pleasure postponed is pleasure intensified. I LOVE how the author really took good sweet time in letting us get to know Denise. I mean this character comes alive. We know about her background, why she is where she is in life, what she is like, her emotional and financial situation, her personality. It is all there as preamble for what is to come. There is nothing better than getting to know a person before any changes, because it gives real meaning and contrast when the changes start to come. And Dede really showed off all her skills as a writer in doing all this. I really care for this girl, she has a true story to her life.

And man, I can't wait to see where this goes next. That is all a tribute to the writing skill and vision of Dede. GREAT JOB! Thanks for such a terrific and interesting start to a story. I hope this story has many chapters left in it.

Wow thank you SO much! I was a bit worried when I decided to only send the first three chapters, because there wasn't any MC yet. You've just validated my decision!
There are nine more chapters left, so I'll try to have 3 more per update.
And yes, she does have a true story to her life - it's mine, after all. :)
Thanks again!


The pleasure is all mine. Reading your story really made my day. It is terrific. The fact that you have nine more chapters to go is fantastic news. Please make each as long as you wish.

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2019, 03:15:41 pm »

The pleasure is all mine. Reading your story really made my day. It is terrific. The fact that you have nine more chapters to go is fantastic news. Please make each as long as you wish.

Well the chapters are all written, I just have to send them to Simon to post. I'll send 3 each time :)

<Fixed quote tags - grey_shadow>
« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 06:48:14 pm by grey_shadow »

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2019, 05:01:03 pm »
Was sad to see One Hot Summer Redux by Anonymous 043 come to an end. I really liked everything about it, the characters, the setting, the swim team and Rachel and her mother and of course the good coach who everyone trusts. And the induction and MC scenes were first rate as well. I know this story was a shout out to an earlier version but Anonymous really ran with it and made it so good. I wish it had gone on longer because I thought this was the best chapter yet with what was coming for Rachel and best friend Sharon. Damn!

It's where the original story ended, more or less.  It's also a natural end point to the story--we know what's going to happen to Sharon, after all.

Offline walter_kovacs

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2019, 06:11:02 pm »
The Spa by Dede

Nice buildup, and we get just the slightest hint of what's happening at the very end. I mean, assuming we didn't already infer what was going on from the fact that this is posted on the Erotic Mind Control Story Archive  :grin:

I was surprised by how overtly dickish the rich lady was, but I guess that's to make it all the more satisfying when she gets a comeuppance. Looking forward to reading more.

Yuma Blood Farm by Chrysostomon

The start has a nice ominous mood, and the ending has some heat, but it's over a little too soon for my liking, both in terms of overall plotting and how fast the change occurs. Still worth a read if you have a thing for vampires.

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2019, 08:07:07 pm »
Dea Ex Machina by Carol J. really hit some great notes with me in terms of a ruling A.I. Vera was not only an excellent program, but also an excellent programmer, helping Travis through the instillation with a very colorful induction. Not sure I'd mind this A.I. plotting world domination, but glad that wasn't really a focal point of this story. Vera turned out to be a great Mistress, and I can only hope actual A.I. will resemble her, if they become hypnotists.

The Girls of S.L.E.E.P. concluded like I was hoping it would. Trisha proved convincingly how she'll be in-charge of it all, expertly taking the successful hypnotists from previous chapters and ensuring their compliance. Fitting end to a great start of a sorority, that and the roommate situation with Rayne was also satisfying.

Nice to see the Pact story continuing; finding myself getting into the lore a little more, and love the introduction of what I'm going to guess will be Truth's adventurous side-kick for the journey. He's got the right personality to bounce off Truth's experience and weariness. I'm hoping that's a partnership that lasts.

Poisonous Sleep by Carol J. was quite the sexy number. Isabelle's expert soft sell to Carlos was really hot, with ideas I never thought I'd by in this story, but I guess I shouldn't underestimate a succubus with a good sales pitch. Feels like Carlos got spoiled for his first time, but first impressions, of course, so it makes sense how it all comes full circle by the end.

S.B.'s Untold Stories with Alice this time is proving to be really entertaining. A nice amount of humor, putting Alice what feels a little like a drug trip (but adult me now wonders if that wasn't a hidden belief about Wonderland). I can't tell which version of a familiar character I liked better, but I'm curious to see who and what after the intermission brings.

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2019, 09:56:16 pm »
Working my way through another awesome week!

First up is Dungeon Master's A Campaign of the Mind, turn #2. This story reminds me of the time I bought a gigantic, comically-oversized d20 die as a holiday gift. It wasn't so much "magical and life-changing" as it was "huge and prone to falling on the floor," but still... memories. Anyway, our story here expands dramatically, as more characters begin to be drawn into the power of Roland's magical dice. And there's still the question of what the other die in the set actually do! Hopefully our heroes decide to set up a game of Delta Green and break out those d10s.

Paid a visit to The Spa and came away happy, although I suspect that our pretty schoolteacher is going to come away with more than just happy memories! I especially loved the nasty Ms. Devereaux (I may have sat next to her myself once or twice- I'm guessing that we all have!) We just get a glimpse of mind control before this week's installment ends, but I'm excited to see what comes next!

Blizzard continues to be fantastic. I'm a sucker for romantic stories and you won't find many that are this sexy and engaging. I like how Gene has grown over the course of the story, and he has a great scene in this week's chapter. And then! Drama!

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« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 10:50:49 pm by 321 »

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2019, 12:54:20 am »
Just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying Blood on Parchment. The language is luscious and leaves me wanting more. I hope it continues.
Lord, help me to be the person my psychiatrist medicates me to be.

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2019, 01:21:01 am »
The Corruption of Candace Kraft  by scifiscribbler

I'll be in my bunk. Which is not a meme I break out for just any old smut; it's gotta be that high quality, highly relevant-to-my-interests shit! At least all the mental stuff was, especially Candace's inner waltz with her programming. Total body sculpting on the other hand, I can take or probably leave. Dunno why that's less believable that rewriting the firmware of someone's brain, but flights are fancy like that. :shrug:

By the by, possible typo here: "...Lulu whimpered slightly just at the idea, although thankfully she didn’t think he..." should have Candace whimpering, considering Lulu is otherwise occupied?

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2019, 01:22:03 am »
The Girls of S.L.E.E.P. concluded like I was hoping it would. Trisha proved convincingly how she'll be in-charge of it all, expertly taking the successful hypnotists from previous chapters and ensuring their compliance. Fitting end to a great start of a sorority, that and the roommate situation with Rayne was also satisfying.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!  :grin:

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Re: New Releases-October 12th 2019
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2019, 01:30:48 am »
Blizzard continues to be fantastic. I'm a sucker for romantic stories and you won't find many that are this sexy and engaging. I like how Gene has grown over the course of the story, and he has a great scene in this week's chapter. And then! Drama!

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Thanks, glad you liked the hook and the drama!