Author Topic: New Releases - July 20 2019  (Read 25897 times)

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2019, 05:57:42 pm »


As a known lover of Rom-MC, I'm loving this. The playoffs between the two of them, the general feelgood stuff within the M/s stuff, just love it. And the issue at the end, just loved it.
High end of definitely enjoyed

What Merry said.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2019, 06:37:30 pm »
In universe, there are practical considerations.  After all it's only a matter of time until a situation where Steff thinks they're alone but someone can hear them comes up.  I played with ideas for such a situation, didn't like any of them much, so I just nipped it in the bud.

Yeah, there's only so many possible responses:

 - "Ooh. Kinky!", followed by much teasing.
 - "What did you do to her, you monster?" which is never going to end well
 - "Can I play?/Do me too!" which has its own consequences and complications
 - "Eh. Whatever." which, while possibly the best outcome for Steff and Tom, is kinda dull for the story (though their reaction to learning they've been overheard could be interesting briefly).
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2019, 08:47:54 pm »

The Bachelorette Party (mr. potestas)

I might have the feeling the groom isnt going to be thrilled with events here! :laugh: Fine, Lucy's tongue, need to see it in action, lol. Entertaining enough 'hen party' type fun and games here, for sure
Definitely enjoyed

Thanks for definitely enjoying! As is the full ebook, a bit experimental, at least via the orgiastic elements. Always found it difficult to fully flesh out such elaborate events in text. As for the groom, well, there's much more to this story  ;)

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2019, 07:22:14 am »

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction

First 2 I loved, last one less so, but anyway...Twenty one days, where I do I get that download, lol? Loved the way Sacrifice played out, though I was hoping for a different twist at the end, but never mind. Cant add in comment without spoiler, mind...
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Type Omega would probably be more amusing for gamer types
Torn on mark, going down to Definitely enjoyed, for reason in spoiler

Glad you found some enjoyment out of this batch though that Sacrifice twist you propose/suggested never crossed my mind. Type Omega is me going dark and I know you don't like those so... Thank you, dear.
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2019, 06:33:46 pm »
Blizzard: Another hot, sexy, sweet chapter as Gene and the girls hunker down in the face of yet another winter storm. The perfect read on a very hot summer day! I like that all four of them seem to have settled into a sort of happy understanding. Hooray for those boots!

Rose of Forgetfulness: It's good to have Rose back, now neck-deep in whatever elaborate conspiracy she's been brainwashed to be a pawn of. But who is behind the whole thing, and are they in Milan with Rose? Is someone close to her pulling the strings, or is that person also brainwashed? Here's hoping that we'll get another update soon!

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2019, 10:27:19 am »
Part 2


Another excellent chapter here. And no, sadly, no one has brainwashed me to say that, its true. I love the way all the morals all play out in the end, and no, I couldnt feel sorry for Lucy if I tried! Oh, and isnt the ending to this chapter just so delightful too.
High end of definitely enjoyed. I'm sure I could be programmed to give more, lol. :angel:


Oh, I love cute stories, and here's another one. The 3 girls are adorable, and as for Gene's hapless attempts to keep up with them, hilarious. As for the effort to equal the numbers giving, and receiving! :laugh:
High end of definitely enjoyed


I doubt they'd want me as a sex slave, anyway. Not that I couldnt do with that relaxation stuff at present, but besides that. Nice logic behind the way things play out, though the ending came as no great shock, I must admit. But interesting how Fran's part in things changes the original plans
High end of definitely enjoyed

Member Privileges

I would say I dont think I'll be becoming a member, but they do seem to have ways to get around that issue. I would say my age would save me too, but I'm not counting on that either. Lots of entertaining characters, especially the two 'controlling' events in here. Great, fun read
High end of definitely enjoyed

Sleepy on Set

Why didnt I ever get scenes like this? :laugh: Yes, I have known actresses like Bridget too, believe me! Nyx is a great character too. The ending is great too, especially as everything doesnt go quite according to plans
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2019, 07:53:42 am »
Blizzard: Another hot, sexy, sweet chapter as Gene and the girls hunker down in the face of yet another winter storm. The perfect read on a very hot summer day! I like that all four of them seem to have settled into a sort of happy understanding. Hooray for those boots!

Glad you enjoyed it. The four lovers settled. Winter still raging. Lots of fun to be had.


Oh, I love cute stories, and here's another one. The 3 girls are adorable, and as for Gene's hapless attempts to keep up with them, hilarious. As for the effort to equal the numbers giving, and receiving! :laugh:
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks, I write sex stories and I always find the bigger compliment is being told I've written something hilarious or funny to sexy.

Offline AlfredSchnittke

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2019, 11:28:57 pm »
hi - here to upvote the crutch series.  it is a romantic fantasy, and while that is not my usual mc fantasy, i found myself fantasizing it due to the stylish writing and presentation. 

quick question - when i see the name "steff" i think freakazoid; specifically episodes like candlejack and

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2019, 11:41:46 pm »
Article 13C-2;7.4 was a strange story to follow at first, but I loved how Emmiria essentially made Naldir as criminally liable as he was, using the details of several laws to warp his sensibilities into succumbing to her. I like nearly all her interpretations of the Librarian laws; a modus operandi I'm not sure I've seen before, but I'm glad someone made it.

The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle continues to be a series worth investing in just for character growth among other great elements. The drama of the last chapter went even further in this past one, and to see how Elle and Louis deal with it, smartly knowing it has to be dealt with, wisely letting the neglected party share her feelings, I love how even more multifaceted character perspectives are becoming with all the sensual hypnotic scenarios around. And I hope one little addition to the story continues in further chapters, or is granted its own later on.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2019, 05:34:21 am »
hi - here to upvote the crutch series.  it is a romantic fantasy, and while that is not my usual mc fantasy, i found myself fantasizing it due to the stylish writing and presentation. 

quick question - when i see the name "steff" i think freakazoid; specifically episodes like candlejack and

Thanks!  As for Freakazoid, the only bits I remember from that are the alien Moron, and the extremely British superhero Lord Bravery.

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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2019, 11:40:34 am »
Last batch

Atonement (Half Shim)

OK, fine, I loved this, start to finish. Especially the finish! I could be mean until I know what happens with Morgan, and not give big marks, but what the hell, the whole relationship thing here, between Nina, and Ashley, I really dont care, that was tenderly (other than the fucking, which wasnt meant to be tender) handled in just so many ways.
High end of definitely enjoyed, wish I could give more, but there is the word limit thing I should stick to, but otherwise...

The Crystal’s Slave

Cant say these 2 chapters did much for me. Might have been the gap, might have been tastes, or even both, but...
No rating, for reasons mentioned

Rose of Forgetfulness

I knew it was 15 months, but I thought I'd try to get back into it, but failed to do so. Might also have been I just felt too sorry for Rose, and too much hate for Emily, but regardless...
No rating, taste and gap issues

Split Slave

No, the party was a total miss for me, sorry, but fine, I've never been one for that sort of humiliation. Given how much I've enjoyed the previous 11 chapters, I'll give it one more try, for sure.
No rating, taste issues

The Stepford Mistress

I did work out who Master was, well before the end, but it was all beautifully done. I mean, lets face it, Sharelle gives a few clues, but even so... But would I love a Master like that, oh please! Pace is great, story I loved, so...
Low end of much enjoyed

Thats it for this week. Thanks as always to all authors involved, reviewed or otherwise. Just to mention, I have lengthy brain scans on both Sunday, and Monday, so schedule next week might be a bit weird, just saying...
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Offline Blackie

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #36 on: July 25, 2019, 01:58:41 pm »
Merry, every time I see your avatar I have the urge to listen to the Charleston.

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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2019, 05:25:25 pm »
Merry, every time I see your avatar I have the urge to listen to the Charleston.

Not unreasonable, I would say. Its actually from some Christmas parade thing in LA from December 1929. Pretty sure she could dance the Charleston mind. Most of her stuff was the more artistic Berkeley (MGM and Warner), and other MGM stuff in the first half of 1930's. She worked for RKO too mind, as a chorine, most famously as one of the 'flying girls' in Flying Down To Rio. Filmed at a height of 12 feet, in a studio, according to records! :laugh:
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