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New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« on: June 22, 2019, 01:02:31 pm »
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Apartment 4D (mc mf gr) (new)  by Limerick
Sarah has trouble remembering stuff now that she tried the pink gum and became a bimbo.

Ashes (mc mf ff md) (2 new chapters)  by Blackie
The family raised him not to use his ability on those without the ability. The world isn’t supposed to know the family exists. Or families. When he uses it to defend himself and is seen without knowing who it was, his world turns upside down on him.

Atonement (Half Shim) (mc ff ft gr la) (new)  by Half Shim
Morgan is sent to the Farm to atone for her crimes.

The Burning (Chrysostomon) (mc mf ff in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Ty catches a sexually transmitted disease that makes the infected want to spread it.

Crutch (mc mf md ma) (new)  by CuyahogaKingKong
A college student wants to help a classmate who just knee surgery, and ends up hypnotizing her to be his slave.

Dawg Was Doing His Thing (mc mf) (new)  by Anonymous-046
Dawg was at it again, only this time it was a role reversal with a twist. Dawg wanted to see if devolving a person from brilliance to ignorance and slave-like living as a sex beast. Dawg decided to trade places between a physician and a whore but based on the physician’s viewpoint of the whore. The twist was that the person would know who they were all the time and the person they devolved into would be that of someone that hated.

The Devil in Disguise (mc mf md) (new)  by Fortunato
He’s a delusional Elvis impersonator with magic fingers. She’s a hot-tempered body double with an MBA from Harvard.

Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (3 new chapters)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

Emma and the Ultimate Scam Artist (mc ff rb ft) (2 new chapters)  by Roboman127
Four people try to scam an ancient scam artist.

Every Woman Has a Price (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
Owen inherits a set of silver coins from his grandfather that lets him buy anyone.

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction (mc mf fd) (3 new chapters)  by S. B.
A collection of short writings focusing on various aspects of Femdom Mind Control.

Fit to Serve (mc mf md ma ft) (2 new chapters)  by Fortunato
Jay gets his girlfriend a maid’s outfit for Christmas, just like the one that Tyrone got his wife.

The Game (Chrysostomon) (mc mf ff in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A family gets a new gaming system that they are forced to play with.

The Guru (mc mf ff md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Tom and his daughter attempt to rescue his other daughter from a cult.

Hard Sell (mc ff mf md ds ex ft sf) (new)  by Somnophile
In a society where slavegirls are as common as housepets, a mistress goes to a specialist to try and get her own slavegirl to behave. She’ll find a solution, but will she end up wearing a collar herself?

Laser Tag Party (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Scalar Seventh
Sam Miller just wants to have a fun bachelorette party with her friends. And what could be more fun than ordering pizza, renting out the local laser tag business for the day, and getting everyone Altered to boot?

Make Love, Not War (Slut-Box Challenge) (mc mm gr) (new)  by Trixie Adara
Billy gets a strange email from a jock who won’t stop harassing him.

Massaged By My Nerdy Brother (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by BurroGirl18 and Pan
A few innocent massages with her brother goes too far.

Mind-Control Panties (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
A mysterious figure adds special items to the inventory of trendy clothing stores—panties with special phrases written on them.

Mission Report 8949-975-938-037 (mc ft) (new)  by theguardsman
A guardsman files his daily journal.

My Name Is Elizabeth (mc md) (new)  by Pancernik
A college student goes back home to visit her mom, who gives her lots of milk to drink.

My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Miss Tique
A teen reprograms her older neighbour to become the lover she imagined him to be.

My New Salon (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Robert Towers
Madeleine is convinced by her roommate to try several new things.

Parents Just Don’t Understand (Alternate Ending) (mc md) (new)  by Pan
Ever since Mathilda started seeing her new hypnotherapist, she’s been treating her daughter Tiffany more and more like a teenage rebel.

Questions & Answers III (mc mf md cb) (new)  by J. Darksong and James Windsaber
Vurdra of the Nornir, once known as Victoria Mahoe, ruminates over her past, trying to understand the reason for the events occurring now and in the future. An old friend leads her into a deep introspection of her own past, and how those choices helped not only to shape who she is now, but the current circumstances they all face. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty... but sometimes there are no solutions. Some questions simply have no answers...

Rescued...? (mc ff) (new)  by MoldedMind
Sarah is rescued from a slaver’s facility by her former lover, Isabelle. But has Isabelle saved her out of the goodness of her heart, or does she have ulterior motives?

Role Reversal (mc mf fd in) (1 new chapter)  by MindSpark
After seeing hypnosis in action, a daughter with a crush on her father comes up with a plan to usurp her mother’s place in the family.

The Session (mc mf ff fd in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Kevin takes his mom to see the therapist he’s been seeing, but Dr. Parker has ulterior motives for wanting to see her.

61 Days in River City (mc mf cb) (1 new chapter)  by Betsy Leohtar
SureShot has a contract to kill Alicia. Sonia intends to stop him, even if she has to kill him, because she wants to kill Alicia herself. All the supers in River City are no help to Sonia at all.

Skeinbound (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Meleva
Three young women set out on a winter’s journey, to prove their new adulthood or perish in the process. One trying to keep them fed, one trying to keep them safe, and one who’ll try anything to keep them all together.

Slaver’s Bay (mc mf md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Terry and Bob discuss the various options for buying slaves on a dark web site.

Space Gym (mc ff sf) (new)  by Fendin Nun
A space base cop makes a routine visit to a broken down gymnasium ship.

Stepford’s Agony Aunt (mc md) (new)  by Borbin
Coming straight from the pages of Stepford Gazette and Stepford’s Women’s Magazine is our Local Agony Aunt: Agatha Henderson. Aunt Agatha is ready to offer advice for the confused or wayward girls and boys in our modern age.

Stop Watch (mc mf md in ts) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A power that is too good to be true becomes a corrupting influence on a man and leads him into temptations he’d never thought possible.

The Stranger (Chrysostomon) (mc mf ff md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A mother tries to rescue herself and her daughter from the man that is controlling them.

Sure (mc mf md) (new)  by Quiet Hypnotist
Viola tries to recall why she’s so sure it is easy to obey.

The Unholy Rites (mc mf md) (new)  by Chrissy
A teenager begins to fall under the spell of a demonically possessed priest.

Unraveling (mc ff) (new)  by Jukebox
A mad scientist explains exactly what she’s going to do to her helpless victim.

White Pineapple (mc mf md) (new)  by All These Roadworks
A mysterious stranger has learned Jaclyn’s hypnotic trigger, and compels her to make a series of choices.

Yew and Me (mc ff) (2 new chapters)  by Writer345
Lilith Yew, powerful leader of the Martian colonization movement, faces more threats to her efforts to establish human colonies on Mars.

The Yoga Instructor (mc mm) (new)  by potentialsinner666
A yoga instructor who takes advantage of his female students is instead taken advantage of by one of his male students.

Offline CuyahogaKingKong

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2019, 01:32:58 pm »
Anyone confused by Crutch:
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Stay tuned next week (hopefully), same crutch time, same crutch channel!

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2019, 03:43:58 pm »
Anyone confused by Crutch:
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Stay tuned next week (hopefully), same crutch time, same crutch channel!

I'm depending on it!

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2019, 03:48:42 pm »
Just a head's up on Chrysostomon's The Burning is that it starts right off with MM but is not tagged accordingly.
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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2019, 03:48:58 pm »
Out of the stories I read so far this week two really stood out for me.

The first was Space Gym by Fendin Nun.

This story starts out with a reluctant space base cop going to investigate a ship that has intruded into the base's air space. She needs to find out why. And that is the premise it launches from.

During the investigate the female cop finds nothing ostensibly wrong. Just a ship that had gone off course. She is chaperoned by a gorgeous, perfect bodied member of the ship, which is a space gym.

As the tour continues the cop, Officer Moon begins to find the the very in shape guide Myla becoming increasingly attractive to her.

As the story goes on it starts to become apparent that the space gym ship is really more of Venus flytrap for victims unfortunate enough to board. What is the end game here? I won't spoil it for future readers but suffice to say it is the most evil style of capitalism imaginable.

Fendin Nun does an incredible job of writing. The imagery given and the thoughts and feelings of Moon as they change slowly are so amazingly subtle and hot. It really is a tour de force of MC.

What I love is the writer takes good sweet time doing this, no rushing, no quickie, just a brutally erotic slow burn. This is a great story in plot, character and execution. And the idea of setting in space and the concept of the gym ship is just so inventive. Bravo!! The writing flows seamless making it so easy and fun to read. Just loved it. It is an original.

The other one that so very well written is The Unholy Rites by Chrissy. It is Chrissy's first published story at least on this site but man you would never guess it.

Like Space Gym it shares a very sophisticated developed writing style. Just so professional that it is a joy to read. This story introduces a large number of characters in the life of Alicia, both at school and at home which promises for a long, complex multi-chaptered story. From what I have read so far I will take as many chapters as the writer affords to give us.

Chrissy also is very patient and thoughtful in setting up the charterers and story-line, which I love.

She describes event and friends and enemies of Chrissy's at school so you feel like you know her and these people. And she gives them personalities of their own.

The scene at home was incredible. Chrissy describes this perfect All-American household with Alicia and her brother and sister and mom and dad. She captures these nuances of family life perfectly.

Until she throws a monkey wrench in the happy household: Dad is a drunk.

But it's not some overt mean guzzling father here. He is described as most drunks really are with their families. Just that kind of outlier, living there, being part of the family, trying to be a part of it, but with that little thing he just has to do. And there is that small undercurrent of menace as he drinks before dinner and subtle ways a family with a drunk in it tries to deal with it. It was spot on.

Finally Alicia is sent by her mom to help Father James with his Christmas Drive, something she really doesn't want to do. But the good Father has helped Alicia's dad out finding jobs when he lost others from his boozing so dutiful, nice Alicia takes on the burden....poor, sweet, nice Alicia.

The last scene with Alicia and Father was very hot in the subtle way Chrissy writes. I love that she did not turn Alicia into this overt slave. Instead seeds are planted in her. That makes for best kind of erotic MC in my view. Chrissy always has the soft sure hand in all things in this story.

With this very complicated set up and large cast of characters and terrific opening plot I can't wait to see where Chrissy takes this very unusually well written story next. Great job!! Wow.

Finally, Lazer Tag by Scalar Seventh a slow burn story that I have been enjoying. Seems like things are really starting to come to a head here as the players are coming more and more under control and it is very hot.

I still don't know the true end game in this long, intricate story but I sure want to find out!

« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 11:01:52 pm by CerebusOne »

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2019, 04:04:33 pm »
I'm lucky I had extra submissions this week because Naughty Girl didn't meet the guidelines on MC content, so I'll have to tweak it. It'll be on the Archive come next update. Happy reading, everyone!


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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2019, 04:42:51 pm »
How 'religious' is Unholy Rites? Because I'll be honest, as that subject matter is quite a squick for me, so didnt even put it on my list. But if its just a guy, who happens to be a priest?
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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2019, 04:52:28 pm »

So far it is just a guy who is priest. It has not gone into religion in this chapter. Of course I don't know if it will. But I will say this chapter is amazing. Just all subtle work Chrissy does in her portrayal of Alicia and her school life family life. I knocked me out. She can write.

Give it a whirl and see what you think. Nothing in it now will give you the squicks.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2019, 05:56:08 pm »

But it's not some overt mean guzzling father here. He is described as most drunks really are with their families. Just that kind of outlier, living there, being part of the family, trying to be a part of it, but with that little thing he just has to do. And there is that small undercurrent of menace as he drinks before dinner and subtle ways a family with a drunk in it tries to deal with it. It was spot on.

I have to agree. While no means sexy or hot in any way (and that's a good thing in this case!), the writing and the characterizations were simply outstanding. That feeling of don't-set-off-the-powder-keg-kids added an interesting and emotional tug to this excellent story. Plenty of well-drawn characters and of course a good heaping of mind control at the end of it to set the stage for Chapter Two.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2019, 06:32:18 pm »
Crutch is a fun story. The characters and their interactions are all so nice and genuine. I love how it offers not just one, but several creative twists on the very classic "college guy hypnotizes the hot girl" trope.

Meanwhile, in Betsy's 61 Days in River City...

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What fun. Chenggong experiences Amtrak; Gwen becomes an unhappy test subject; Motorcycle Maid... well, she's just itching for a career in politics, isn't she?

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2019, 09:02:29 am »
Crutch is a fun story. The characters and their interactions are all so nice and genuine. I love how it offers not just one, but several creative twists on the very classic "college guy hypnotizes the hot girl" trope.

Thank you!  Steff is precisely the sort of girl who gets punished in a lot of MD stories: a beautiful overachiever who is a bit of a bitch at times, friendzones nice guys and puts the less nice guys down hard.  Its fun to look at her sympathetically through the eyes of someone who genuinely likes her. 

She's also based on memories of a real friend I had in my college days.  An odd relationship, 99% of the time we're just hanging out being dorks, then once in a while something makes you think, "oh, that's right, she's really hot."  Nothing sexy happened between us (I'd have like it to, sure, but knew it was off the table), her crutch never broke and if she ever cried I never saw it.  If Real Steff reads this and recognizes herself, um, sorry? And how've you been, girl, I haven't seen you since I flunked out of Case Western!

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2019, 11:56:30 am »
Fine, getting started, 5 parts this week.

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction

I loved the first 2 of the 3 here, and the 3rd was pretty good too. But the end of Dud, and most of Its Raining Women just had me roaring with laughter. Oh to be one of those aliens, thats all I'm saying! I know they're both female dominant stories, but I dont care! Loved the 'logic' of Apologize too.
High end of definitely enjoyed. If the aliens want to take me on a trip to convince me to give more...? ;)

My Name Is Elizabeth

Why do I think that milk might not have come from cows? :laugh: And if the women are milked properly, I'd be happy to help. Story line is decent, but was up against heavy competition here.
Definitely enjoyed. Invited to a proper milking parlour, well...? ;)

Stepford’s Agony Aunt

The title gives this away, but fine, its funny, and Agatha has got a wonderfully sharp mind too. Maybe I should write to her, about the rumours of women being turned into robots? ;)
High end of definitely enjoyed


Oh, I love Violet, and her way of (not) thinking through events here. Yes, I'd happily swap places with her, but Master might not be so keen on that! Delightful little hypno piece
Definitely enjoyed


Oh to be the victim here, I am so jealous of Priyanka, would love all of that done to me. This is JB playing to all my hot buttons, and really hitting them hard.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Open to discuss more if invited to sit in that device

More tomorrow, I hope
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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2019, 04:47:26 pm »
Part 2

Every Woman Has a Price

My price is a new brain, I guess? :laugh: Certainly plenty of intrigue and stuff going on here as to where the coins end up and stuff. Doubt anyone in their right mind would buy me anyway!
Definitely enjoyed

Fit to Serve

What is it they say about things going to plan, but not going to plan? :laugh: Mind, I'd need the maid costume that made you feel (and look) 40 years younger! :laugh: As they say, so what happens now?
High end of definitely enjoyed

Hard Sell

I lovely the early play between the two ladies (cant say more without spoiler) and how things played out from there. Fine, the guy at the story hardly seemed a charmer, but neither does Mistress!
High end of definitely enjoyed

White Pineapple

The only question for me here was who I wanted to castrate. The stranger, the former boyfriend, the author, or all 3! Lets just leave it at I didnt get through it, not my thing, OK? CW will be disappointed I have to be good with these now! :laugh: :angel:
No rating, tastes issues

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2019, 05:16:52 pm »
I couldn't get through White Pineapple either.  Really rough stuff.  Not a quality issue, just a content/taste one.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2019, 06:27:12 pm »
Challenge accepted, I will answer your question shortly.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2019, 06:43:17 pm »
No explanation given, things just continue on as they did. To each their own, I guess.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2019, 06:57:27 pm »
No judgement, if someone's thing is humiliation and/or suffering of helpless victim then that story is what they are looking for.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2019, 10:16:41 pm »
White Pineapple

The only question for me here was who I wanted to castrate. The stranger, the former boyfriend, the author, or all 3! Lets just leave it at I didnt get through it, not my thing, OK? CW will be disappointed I have to be good with these now! :laugh: :angel:
No rating, tastes issues

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2019, 11:06:41 pm »
White Pineapple (mc mf md) (new)  by All These Roadworks
A mysterious stranger has learned Jaclyn’s hypnotic trigger, and compels her to make a series of choices.

Wow. So except for the (small) detail of a hypnotic trigger, I'm kind of looking over my shoulder to see if All These Roadworks has managed to dig into my penny-only folder because this story hits so many of my personal hot buttons.

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I will freely admit this is not a story for everyone, but if you like your MD EMC dark and aren't squicked by the above spoiler, "White Pineapple" delivers!

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2019, 01:53:48 am »
I want to see a sequel to White Pineapple where the woman becomes permantly chaste because Commander Data set her pussy password.
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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2019, 03:16:52 am »
Every Woman Has a Price

My price is a new brain, I guess? :laugh: Certainly plenty of intrigue and stuff going on here as to where the coins end up and stuff. Doubt anyone in their right mind would buy me anyway!
Definitely enjoyed

This isn't the tale of new brains for lovely people. That's more of a superhero thing for me but I haven't got that off the ground yet. Cut and Run aside. Glad you liked it. Hope I keep the intrigue up and the story moving forward!

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2019, 03:26:42 am »
White Pineapple.. I tapped out early.

Love the idea, and it is true that no one can humiliate you quite like, well I won't finish that sentence. But having a girl (even a hot one) strip at a party and no one notices until its done, whereas its a better story if people do notice, watch along, and perhaps even comment, you could even describe her through their slurred speech...

well shit, I don't think the writer was cruel enough. :)

Edit to add: I am reminded of a radio bit I heard nearly two decades ago where a woman was brought in the studio and got drunk on air. During the course of the show the DJ's asked for her opinion on female celebrities and somehow she ended up seeing some photos of Heather Graham topless (this was after Heather had an admittedly bad boob job) and fellas let me just state, only a card carrying misogynist could match that level of invective. I realized, as men, sure we judge, but most of us still appreciate. Women are all in competition with each other and can be... harsh. Anyway, I'm sure there's a story idea in there somewhere, probably far from original. but that's all I got at this time of the morning.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 03:40:03 am by ExtantElan »

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2019, 03:20:40 pm »
Meanwhile, in Betsy's 61 Days in River City...

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What fun. Chenggong experiences Amtrak; Gwen becomes an unhappy test subject; Motorcycle Maid... well, she's just itching for a career in politics, isn't she?

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Thank you 321. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2019, 05:10:59 pm »
Part 2

The Devil in Disguise

Was never a huge Elvis fan, but this was fun. Whole twist on the Elvis 'death' issue, and everything else as well. Certainly interesting as to how it all plays out for both
High end of definitely enjoyed

Mission Report 8949-975-938-037

Pretty much what it states, so unless you are terribly into the guardsmen's lives, as opposed to the outfits which I love, you can probably pass this by
No rating, nothing really to rate


One of those stories I shouldnt love, but did. Might help that Sarah attracts no sympathy, but I'd hardly call Isabelle a charmer too. Oh, for those that love great enslavement methods. you'll love this. I wouldnt want to be rescued, thats for sure
Definitely enjoyed. Probably a character thing, hard to like either

Yew and Me

Oh goodness, Lina soon got the hang of her new role, in a dramatic way. Fine, I feel sorry for a couple of characters, not sure they deserved it, but can I really say that when I'd love it done to me? Nice tie up of details at the end, though hopefully there will be more in time. I really hope you've been reading this brilliant story
High end of definitely enjoyed. Lina could convince me to give more, mind! ;)

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Re: New Releases - June 22nd 2019
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2019, 09:32:21 pm »
Massaged By My Nerdy Brother (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by BurroGirl18 and Pan
A few innocent massages with her brother goes too far.

Really a very enjoyable story!
You can already feel the goddess flow through and around you, like a liquid, a smell, a moment lost in time.

Diary of a Hypnotist

Greek Goddess