Exposed was incredibly hot. I am VERY much looking forward to future chapters. Greyscribbler is an absolute master at depicting the mental state and internal struggle of mind-controlled characters, and this chapter showcases that.
Thanks Midori. Not sure I deserve all the praise, but I'll take it. ;-)
I do like to write from the victim's point of view. Doesn't work all the time, but it seems to here.
Nah dude, its deserved. that build up was excellent, good pro level stuff. I believe the word is, exquisite. :p
Also quite artful how you described the protagonist in such a way as us dogs get the details we crave without turning off the ladies reading. I wouldn't even know where to start with doing that.

Edit to add: My guess would be the chicks resonate with the need, the fellas with the details. That's just my theory. Anyway, loved it, looking forward to chapter 2.