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New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:37:24 am »
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Special note to <strong>Pomelo</strong>: Every email I send to you bounces, so I have not been able to contact you. If you are going to send me chapters that are that short, you have to send more than one chapter per update. Please read the <a href="FAQ.html">FAQ Page[/url] for my story length policy.

Alpha Male’s Paradise (mc mf ff md ds ex ft) (new)  by Somnophile
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Amnesia Service (mc ff) (new)  by HypnoticHarlequin
Beth is surprised when a girl turns up at her door declaring herself to be from an “Amnesia Service”.

The Assassins (mc ff rb) (new)  by Roboman127
Robberies, kidnappings and Assassinations are being done by strange shiny black PVC women.  Two women going to the bank have their lives changed forever.

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Following Her Dream (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Shadra
Janet takes the necessary steps towards obtaining her dream girl.

The Girl With the Big Tits (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Witchman
Rebecca applies for a job as a model.

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Incubus (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Jennifer Kohl
Christina summons a demon, who has the ability to grant her greatest desire.

Keylly Awakens (mc ff md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Kelly awakens after a year in a coma, and discovers that everything has changed.

Laser Tag Party (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Scalar Seventh
Sam Miller just wants to have a fun bachelorette party with her friends. And what could be more fun than ordering pizza, renting out the local laser tag business for the day, and getting everyone Altered to boot?

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Lisa’s brother learns that she’s extremely susceptible to being hypnotized. Can he resist the temptations this discovery offers?

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teen reprograms her older neighbour to become the lover she imagined him to be.

The New You Spa and Tanning Salon (mc ff rb) (2 new chapters)  by Roboman127
Robberies, kidnappings and Assassinations are being done by strange shiny white latex clad women.  Is there a connection to the new spa in town?

Paperback (mc mf ff ft) (1 new chapter)  by eviltwinmordred
An impressionable teenager finds an old mind-control fetish novel in a used book store.

Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (2 new chapters)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

The Reality Schism (mc mf md gr ds) (1 new chapter)  by MangoTech
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Return of the Armored Warrior (mc ff md fd cb) (1 new chapter)  by J. Darksong
Erika Patrick, daughter of Tina Patrick, has moved to River City to make a new life for herself. She soon learns that things are a lot rougher in River City than back home in New York, but when Shining Paladin runs into trouble, she finds a mentor, someone who will take her under his wing, and together, they might not only rekindle an old legacy, they might even surpass it.

Revenge of the Nerd (Chrysostomon) (mc mf md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Ian wakes up from a coma with new powers, which he uses to get revenge.

Role Reversal (mc mf fd in) (1 new chapter)  by MindSpark
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61 Days in River City (mc mf cb) (1 new chapter)  by Betsy Leohtar
SureShot has a contract to kill Alicia. Sonia intends to stop him, even if she has to kill him, because she wants to kill Alicia herself. All the supers in River City are no help to Sonia at all.

Skeinbound (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Meleva
Three young women set out on a winter’s journey, to prove their new adulthood or perish in the process. One trying to keep them fed, one trying to keep them safe, and one who’ll try anything to keep them all together.

Stop Watch (mc mf md in ts) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A power that is too good to be true becomes a corrupting influence on a man and leads him into temptations he’d never thought possible.

Tendrils in my Mind (mc mf md ds) (new)  by NickelModelTales
Kim’s boyfriend convinces her to try hypnotism; she becomes his enslaved plaything.

This Is Just 4 U (mc ff) (new)  by Jukebox
Service Unit 4U’s Master has gone missing, forcing her to confront the limits of her existence as a programmed slave.

Thursby Manor (mc ff) (new)  by NickelModelTales
An erotic hypnosis mystery.  Samantha Smith, Private Eye, is alarmed when young women in Honolulu start disappearing.  Her investigation uncovers an underground brainwashing cult… with its sights set on her!

Uplink (mc ff mf ma sf) (1 new chapter)  by nevermind
The promised future has arrived. Mankind has outgrown old Terra and lives peacefully among the stars. But when junior engineer Kyra Warner of the TSS Argo picks up the wrong item from an alien planet, the rest of her crew must soon find out that not everything in this universe is willing to coexist.

Waspish (mc mf fd) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A truck driver gets extra attention from the staff when he stays at a Greek motel.

Why Did Freud Abandon Hypnotism, Anyway? (mc mf md ds) (new)  by NickelModelTales
In the conservative 1950s, a psychology professor forces a pretty young student into a sexual affair when he hypnotizes her.

Work-Life Balance (mc mm bd ds) (new)  by GreyNocht
Warren finds his dream job, but would he continue if he actually knew what he was doing?

Yew and Me (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Writer345
Lilith Yew, powerful leader of the Martian colonization movement, faces more threats to her efforts to establish human colonies on Mars.

As always check your story length.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2019, 11:13:35 am »
Hi, here's a question. I sent a new chapter for a story a few weeks ago and it wasn't posted. I sent a mail to Simon (who has responded to my mails before). No response and it wasn't posted again. I sent another mail and again no response and then this week it still wasn't posted. What steps should I take?

Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2019, 11:40:40 am »
Hi, here's a question. I sent a new chapter for a story a few weeks ago and it wasn't posted. I sent a mail to Simon (who has responded to my mails before). No response and it wasn't posted again. I sent another mail and again no response and then this week it still wasn't posted. What steps should I take?

Go to New Releases for 11th May. Simon has a message for you there.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2019, 11:57:08 am »
Hi, here's a question. I sent a new chapter for a story a few weeks ago and it wasn't posted. I sent a mail to Simon (who has responded to my mails before). No response and it wasn't posted again. I sent another mail and again no response and then this week it still wasn't posted. What steps should I take?

Go to New Releases for 11th May. Simon has a message for you there.

Yikes! Ok, thanks  :)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2019, 12:51:21 pm »
After a couple weeks of not reading new updates, I took a chance on Witchman's The Girl with the Big Tits and it was definitely worth a look. Trying to spend more time on writing this year than reading, so I know I'm missing some good stuff as I go, but this year's produced some really nice work for those pieces I have taken the time to read.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2019, 01:29:53 pm »
Girl with the Big Tits and Tendrils are both quite good imho.  The first one is especially interesting to me because of how different the title character is at the end of chapter 1 and the start of chapter 2.  Raises all sorts of fun questions.

Tendrils is an interesting one, one of the best hypnosis-only stories I've read in a long time.  Chet is actually kind of an interesting character, in that he's a good example of a slight tone difference seperating "loveable loser and hot girlfriend have great sex after he tries hypnosis on her" from "sleazy douche exploits his girlfriend."

I'm now realizing I used interesting three times in two paragraphs.  Too lazy to rewrite it.  All that energy is going into my own smut, thank You!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2019, 02:06:59 pm »
Seems like months since we last saw something new for This Is Our Story.  Hope the author is okay!

Haven't really found anything that catches my attention otherwise.  I like long stories and most everything has been 5k or under of late.  Just can't seem to catch the heat when the story is over so quickly.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2019, 02:44:45 pm »
Seems like months since we last saw something new for This Is Our Story.  Hope the author is okay!

Haven't really found anything that catches my attention otherwise.  I like long stories and most everything has been 5k or under of late.  Just can't seem to catch the heat when the story is over so quickly.

Interesting thought, does it matter if each chapter is long?

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2019, 03:14:08 pm »
Haven't really found anything that catches my attention otherwise.  I like long stories and most everything has been 5k or under of late.  Just can't seem to catch the heat when the story is over so quickly.

How about finding a series you haven't tried and reading as many chapters as you prefer in one go?
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Offline CuyahogaKingKong

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2019, 03:39:43 pm »
Haven't really found anything that catches my attention otherwise.  I like long stories and most everything has been 5k or under of late.  Just can't seem to catch the heat when the story is over so quickly.

How about finding a series you haven't tried and reading as many chapters as you prefer in one go?

I'm now thinking maybe the act of opening up the next chapter might be enough to nudge someone out of their groove.  It wouldn't be to me but I could see that, and as a writer of short chapters this concerns me.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2019, 03:51:56 pm »
Interesting thought, does it matter if each chapter is long?

Only when you get one chapter a week.  If the story is already completed, I don't mind short chapters if there's dozens of them to read.  A lot of the stories lately seem to be under 5k words and there's just no time to develop the characters or set up the scenes.  As a reader, I can't build a relationship with the characters or what's going on in the show.  What kind of story can you really tell in so short a time?

Personal taste, I'm sure, but if it's a one-shot story that'll only be one chapter --- 5k seems to be the lower end of the limit in terms of telling a tale with a little build up that sets the characters and tone.   If it's a story planned to many chapters, 5k/chapter seems to give enough meat to each installment so there's room for character development, story development and the sexy part.  Then the reader gets hung on the hook, desperate for next week's installment. :D

To give an example, I found Sammynona's "It Runs In The Family" quite by accident.  The first chapter was long enough that the characters were established and the hook was set.  Oddly, I don't normally go for FF stories, but something about that chapter caught my eye and I decided to read further.  At the time I found it, there were already a dozen or more chapters and the more I read the more I was invested in the story.  While each chapter had some heat, each was also long enough that there was real story development and not just an excuse to get to a sex scene.

One of the things I wish this site had was some kind of filter so I could only search for stories that are 8k or larger.  Here's a fan fiction site with that option and it's dreamy!  No need to worry about short stories cluttering up the search for something to read.... but I don't really care for most fan fiction. 

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2019, 04:03:43 pm »
Haven't really found anything that catches my attention otherwise.  I like long stories and most everything has been 5k or under of late.  Just can't seem to catch the heat when the story is over so quickly.

How about finding a series you haven't tried and reading as many chapters as you prefer in one go?

I'm now thinking maybe the act of opening up the next chapter might be enough to nudge someone out of their groove.  It wouldn't be to me but I could see that, and as a writer of short chapters this concerns me.

Don't be too concerned.  My take on the subject is surely rather rare.  I'm a reader and I like to read, so sitting down with a good book is no problem.  If the book is part of a series, even better. 

With a short chapter, to me it doesn't seem so much a chapter as a scene in a chapter with the rest of the stuff simply edited out so we could have a sex scene or the author was facing a time crunch and just couldn't put the time in to flesh the chapter out.

If the tale is finished, or I found it well under way, the lack of word count in a given chapter isn't that big a deal because I know there's more right around the bend.  If it's a short chapter (scene) and I have to wait a week to find out what happens next.... blah.  It'd have to be a pretty special bit of writing to keep me on the hook.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2019, 04:29:23 pm »
Well its erotica, it is supposed to live in the head (whatever the reason for its appeal) and everyone has their preference ((usually a preference over length in erotica concerns something MUCH different))  :P

That said, as someone doing a serial style with different perspectives roughly every week and those PoV's often being different lengths, for me its about hitting story beats while giving each PoV an arc (sometimes in that particular chapter) but definitely overall. I could give a shit if my characters orgasm in every chapter so much as the story moves forward or a character changes/grows (not always for the better) and I strive to describe that believably.

I know what you are saying and will add flat out that, in general, smaller word count usually means lower quality. But that isn't always the case. There was one the other week, Antidote... it was a good, fun read, and very short. Maybe browse the discussions here first, or find a "reader" here who's opinion you like and rely on them to clear away the detritus from your path.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2019, 07:09:57 pm »
I hope many of you are reading “Following Her Dream”.  It has so many things I love in great MC writing.  Well drawn characters who all have depth, even the “villain”.  Hot hypnosis scenes that facilitate a great plot, not overwhelm it. 

I hope we see more stories from Shadra.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2019, 07:20:35 pm »
Don't be too concerned.  My take on the subject is surely rather rare.  I'm a reader and I like to read, so sitting down with a good book is no problem.  If the book is part of a series, even better. 

With a short chapter, to me it doesn't seem so much a chapter as a scene in a chapter with the rest of the stuff simply edited out so we could have a sex scene or the author was facing a time crunch and just couldn't put the time in to flesh the chapter out.

If the tale is finished, or I found it well under way, the lack of word count in a given chapter isn't that big a deal because I know there's more right around the bend.  If it's a short chapter (scene) and I have to wait a week to find out what happens next.... blah.  It'd have to be a pretty special bit of writing to keep me on the hook.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I think you're selling 5k words short.

There's an art to writing short stories, and certainly some botch it, but a lot can be done in that length. One of my favorites (Isaac Asimov's The Last Question) was barely over 4.5k, for instance, and is an all time great.

If you don't like shorter works, that's fine. Everyone has their own preference, after all, but done properly it can definitely convey more than just a quick scene in that length.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2019, 07:48:51 pm »
Don't be too concerned.  My take on the subject is surely rather rare.  I'm a reader and I like to read, so sitting down with a good book is no problem.  If the book is part of a series, even better. 

With a short chapter, to me it doesn't seem so much a chapter as a scene in a chapter with the rest of the stuff simply edited out so we could have a sex scene or the author was facing a time crunch and just couldn't put the time in to flesh the chapter out.

If the tale is finished, or I found it well under way, the lack of word count in a given chapter isn't that big a deal because I know there's more right around the bend.  If it's a short chapter (scene) and I have to wait a week to find out what happens next.... blah.  It'd have to be a pretty special bit of writing to keep me on the hook.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I think you're selling 5k words short.

There's an art to writing short stories, and certainly some botch it, but a lot can be done in that length. One of my favorites (Isaac Asimov's The Last Question) was barely over 4.5k, for instance, and is an all time great.

If you don't like shorter works, that's fine. Everyone has their own preference, after all, but done properly it can definitely convey more than just a quick scene in that length.

It's a double edged sword.  If you exclude short ones you lose some great well crafted short stories.  But you also exclude a ton of stories where the author simply didn't care enough to invest the time in developing their idea fully.  Not talking about this community in particular, just online story archives in general, especially fanfic and such.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2019, 08:45:41 pm »
Another excellent week!

I love reading about 4-U's adventures, and This is Just 4 U doesn't disappoint in the slightest. The agent buried inside of poor, unsuspecting Haley Keene is off on an unexpectedly challenging mission. Will she succeed? Will there be more mind control and brainwashing in her future? More news as this story develops!

NickelModelTales brings us back to 1960s Oahu for Thursby Manor, a fun detective story featuring hypnotized women, brainwashing, post-hypnotic triggers, and... did I mention hypnotized women? I think I'd much prefer watching ten seasons of "The Girl Detective" to watching ten of "Hawaii Five-O"  :)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2019, 09:49:49 pm »
Had  to work this weekend so time has been limited.


Yep, I liked Thrusby Manor too. The plot and characters were just terrific with some really sweet curve balls thrown in. Loved that 50's setting too. Sam Smith was a cracker jack heroine detective and her little unexpected helper was really a fireball. I'm not surprised you like it. I thought you might. I actually was wondering about that as I was reading it.

Oh, and that's one way to quit smoking.

Shadra's terrific Following Her Dream came to an end with all the class, style, plotting and brilliance that it showed all the way through. I am proud to say I was talking about this story right when it came out and it proved to be everything I thought it would be. Am I bragging about that? Yep.

 I found the ending very interesting and very unexpected in certain aspects. And I liked it all the more for it. Great job Shadra! You pulled it off from start to finish.

The next chapter of Mordred's sublime Paperback is here to enchant any young reader of comics who has a certain fetish. And once again it hits on all cylinders. Man, if I had found that comic when I was a kid I would have been living in my bedroom for a loooong time. >:D. Door locked of course.

The narrator continues with his amazing life story as he has ups and downs on his way to......

The line of the story: By 2013, it was my organization. CHILLING. And a portent of things to come.

In the comic Mordred does the opposite of chilling and instead turns the temperature up with Stella thinking of how she lusted for young Lindsey from the time they met and then seduced her. Not really what happened, Stella. Followed not long after with, “I’m glad it made you happy....I love you Laura....I belong to you.....body and soul." Then a quick sequel into another diabolical Lindsey induction of Stella. Man, that's three burning fast balls right at the readers head. Not fair Mordred.

But to show us he has no mercy at all, a bit later one veteran agent Stella is whining and begging to her understudy how much she needs her. Just so fucking steamy and so damn good.

Pant....pant...pant....Does it seem hot in this room?

The evil Lindsey is giving Stella a series of ever increasing dark missions to carry out now and Stella is very happy to comply. Does it seem real hot in this room?

Mordred brings the end of this chapter with a very vital revelation from the narrator and a very surprise visitor to Stella and Lindsey that brings a whole new twist to what was an already multi-layered beautifully intelligent story.

Way to leave us hanging Mordred. You know exactly when to break it off.

Excuse me now while I go lock the door.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 12:17:26 am by CerebusOne »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2019, 10:08:10 pm »
Thanks, Cerebus.  The Stella story was definitely the elusive prize I spent far too many hours searching for.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2019, 11:01:01 pm »
Following Her Dream comes to a conclusion in a most satisfying and adventurous way. I've always loved the characters in this story, and here they must grapple with the reality that all of them have changed, at least a little, since the start of the story. What a massive and sprawling adventure spawned by a single girl and her pretty screensaver!

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eviltwinmordred's Paperback continues to dazzle with two hot narratives going on at the same time. In one, our brainwashed heroine is given some sexy tasks to do, while one of the puppet masters has her own strings pulled! In the other, we learn even more about our mysterious narrator, who has become quite the mind controller himself. I suppose it's good that so much of the mass-media MC we all consumed back in the day ended up being a disappointment; who knows what kind of masterminds we would have become had we found an exciting book like Stella Striker #23?  :)

No, no, it would have been worth it. I'd have killed for a book like that. And besides, the narrator seems like a happy, well-adjusted guy, doesn't he?  ;)

In the Beginning is back with a new chapter, and our smart and plucky heroine learns some new things about herself. I like how the mind control here is ever-present but also quite subtle. Ahn's careful, cautious evaluation of the incredibly wild things taking place is a joy to read. Here's hoping that she gets to show those jerks back at the village a thing or two!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2019, 11:22:58 pm »
Thanks, 321.  I always saw Paperback as my high wire act, and the fact one of the great writers here likes it means a lot.  I think we all have that one Hypno book or movie that we could never find.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2019, 11:38:58 pm »
To add to the word count defense, I will simply say that a large quantity of professional short stories run up to, but not over the 5,000 word mark, including some of the most notable examples of the form by Poe, Hawthorne, Bierce, Twain, De Maupassant and the like.

For my part, though, I think the shortest stories I've written after my teen years have been just over 5,000 words, so I would have a great deal of trouble trying to pare down to, say, a 3,500 word piece much less a 1,500 word story. I guess I'll never be a very good flash fiction writer. Ah, well.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 11:45:43 pm by Fortunato »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2019, 12:21:00 am »
Thanks, Cerebus.  The Stella story was definitely the elusive prize I spent far too many hours searching for.

I am constantly humbled that the mind behind “Blood Sport” reads my stuff.


You found that prize. For us. I think your foray into this particular avenue really brought out the best in you. I was hoping you would go there. I knew what it would bring.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2019, 04:44:51 am »
Seems like months since we last saw something new for This Is Our Story.  Hope the author is okay!
Brief blech spell, but presently am doing just fine, thanks. :) This Is Our Story has run its course on the EMCSA for now. Volume 2's for sale, and 3 will be pretty soon (provided no more blech spells). I've got another book I'm planning on slow-releasing soon, so don't despair.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2019, 07:29:37 am »
'My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover'

So an interesting inversion here with a geeky introvert female thirsting for her older male neighbor. Was surprised to read the narrator describe him in all his glory so early on, but I'm guessing he meets her requirements :p

Plenty of things hinted at, plus there's a significant undertone to this (entirely my supposition) I shant mention but I enjoyed it.  Will add though that, given her description and attitude, the narrator has no business sitting alone in her room. Thats going to have to be explained sufficiently. Still, was a whimsical read.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 07:38:09 am by ExtantElan »