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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2019, 11:55:30 am »

Losers Can’t Be Choosers

Fine, Gail more than thoroughly deserved it, but still, ouch! Mind, ouch for what Angela did to herself too. Still reckon Jonah's release might be a fun moment, mind. And yes, of course I want to (eventually) know that Clarissa is fine, lol. Great stuff as ever, if a little violent
Definitely enjoyed. Too much pain handed out for high end from me, even if some is deserved. :angel:

Thank you, dear. Only two chapters to go and Clarissa appears in the last one. The ending is a happy one, even if bittersweet though. you'll know more when you get there.
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2019, 12:15:51 pm »
Part 2

But I Don’t Really Want This

This story is a bit hit or miss with me, depending on my perceived levels of humiliation involved. For that reason, this chapter was pretty much a miss for me. Could have been worse, with real tatts, but anyway...
No rating for this chapter, taste issues

Hot Blood: Sexiness and Lust in a Silicon Valley Startup

Talking of places I'd love to work, if I'm ever healthy enough to do so again, this is another one! I love Lavinia's way of dealing with doubters, and she could deal with me in a similar manner, though she might need to find a different way to get rid of my thoughts! Or my lack of doubts, but goodness, this was fun. With luck, I might get a clue or two with Jaiyana. ;)
High end of definitely enjoyed

Return of the Armored Warrior

Talking also of authors who know exactly how to push my buttons, JD is another. Yes, he knows I'd love the process done to Erika to be done to me, seriously. He also writes brilliant banter between her, and Gene, which has me giggling totally. Just wonder which desire Evangeline was stronger with me, the robot, or the flapper? No contest in past, but now, well...?
Low end of much enjoyed. Hopefully that gets me an invite to the Frasier lab, where I might need to lose some clothing? :laugh:

61 Days in River City

And while we're in River City... This is the crazier version, mind. Mind, I'm just imagining Sonia and/or Vicky finding themselves in that lab, and well...? I think they might have a few people/goddesses they've annoyed, anyway? Yes, their whole rescue scene is hilarious stuff, in so many ways. Manic, comical fun, great stuff
High end of definitely enjoyed

Stranger Tales

Fun enough little hypno piece. Story is nicely set up, even if the actual trance stuff does literally zero, in more senses than one, for me.
Low end of definitely enjoyed for me, middle of road for hypno fans

More tomorrow hopefully
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2019, 02:24:54 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (new)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

Beyond the IN tag, I greatly enjoy reading stories that shift perspective. I would not be the first to say that it can be difficult to do in a readable way, while there is not necessarily one way to do it. Splitting perspective between chaps is a more than fine method to keep everything clear! Anyway, the fact that these two have a surprisingly friendly relationship at the start technically makes this all feel a bit less extreme than it could have. More an observation via the brother's perspective, but still notable. I'm also not sure if I would be shocked in the way Budda was, but then again us MC author's might as well be showing off our fantastical fantasies! Ultimately, I found myself far more engaged in Bobbi's side of the story. There were hints of things, but the sister's first chap could have read fine without the brother's. Bobbi's starting out as fun and devious, while her brother is starting off duller than my own personal life. There's still a lot of multi-perspective promise here, so we'll see where this goes ...

Offline greyscribbler

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2019, 04:19:16 pm »
"College Undercover" comes to an end.  Pretty close to the ending that a lot of us saw coming, but just because something is predictable doesn't mean that it isn't good.  The scene with the last victim was particularly sexy.  I wonder if Carol would consider turning her daughter or Janice's daughters into whores...I guess we'll never know. 

Anyway, sexy ending to a sexy story.  I found the title drop at the end amusing, since it always amused me to think about how this door stopper story was called "College Undercover" despite the fact that Carol was undercover for, I forget, like three paragraphs max in the first chapter.

Hi Gyrd

Glad you like the ending.  The ending was set some time ago.  It was the only place I thought it could end up.  Their daughters?  well, we know what the original Mrs Bowen would say about that...

And yes, Carole wasn't undercover at College all that long.  Oh well.


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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2019, 04:20:35 pm »
A Plethora of Heathers

Oh please, dear. Heaven Tanner Carpenter, and now a 60 year old with Osteoporosis? Starts singing Killing Me Softly with her song! :P Fine, I'm looking forward to finding out whats in store for Heaven, first Robot transformation experiment wouldnt surprise me, nor would making a modern woman think she was a literal 20's Flapper! This is the usual funny, well written, comedic chaos I expect from Betsy, in truth. Mainly through her writing, partly because I've met her too!
High end of definitely enjoyed. Could easily have given more, but lets see what she has planned for Heaven first. Oh, and the poor 60 year old with major back issues too! :P

Thank you for reading this again. I hope the rest is up to standard.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2019, 04:36:34 pm »
61 Days in River City

And while we're in River City... This is the crazier version, mind. Mind, I'm just imagining Sonia and/or Vicky finding themselves in that lab, and well...? I think they might have a few people/goddesses they've annoyed, anyway? Yes, their whole rescue scene is hilarious stuff, in so many ways. Manic, comical fun, great stuff
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you so much. I hope you like the rest.

As you know, I didn't invent the River City trope. I just jumped in feet first and looked around. And I noted something interesting. My version is not the crazier version, it's the realistic version, the others are the sanitised versions. It's just an observation from someone who isn't immersed in the trope and who can't see the wood for the trees. Just sayin.

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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2019, 05:04:48 pm »
Fine, fine... >:D
I'm in the wrong mood for this tonight, be warned! Been dealing with LGBT (mainly T) issues tonight for people, thanks to a set of newspaper articles today, so...

Cheap Betsy,
I'll give you your due, you werent expensive when I met you in Newcastle. And yes, I'll grant you, the request I was expecting for the fur coat never arrived, so I'll grant you that. But you, Aldi, no, sorry, dont see that at all.

As to River City, technically I've seen 3 versions of it. That of the late 20's/early 30's, a brief traverse to the mid 60's, and then some pretty recent going on's there too. Apart from the first night Billie tried to vape, in deference to modern smoking laws  :o, I've never seen anything as crazy as your version of RC. Just saying

Love you really, petal  :-* :-* :-*
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Offline ExtantElan

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2019, 07:10:07 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (new)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

Beyond the IN tag, I greatly enjoy reading stories that shift perspective. I would not be the first to say that it can be difficult to do in a readable way, while there is not necessarily one way to do it. Splitting perspective between chaps is a more than fine method to keep everything clear! Anyway, the fact that these two have a surprisingly friendly relationship at the start technically makes this all feel a bit less extreme than it could have. More an observation via the brother's perspective, but still notable. I'm also not sure if I would be shocked in the way Budda was, but then again us MC author's might as well be showing off our fantastical fantasies! Ultimately, I found myself far more engaged in Bobbi's side of the story. There were hints of things, but the sister's first chap could have read fine without the brother's. Bobbi's starting out as fun and devious, while her brother is starting off duller than my own personal life. There's still a lot of multi-perspective promise here, so we'll see where this goes ...

Thank you for the kind words.

TBH Bobbi is the firecracker for several reasons, mainly I wanted to get her tone right moving forward. Being new at this I wasn't comfortable writing a female character and knew I had to balance bubba's flaws with a well, a waifu :P . Bubba's passive voice is intentional, its is indicative of his personality and also serves as discipline exercise for myself. That said I can assure you that I am a Tier One, true blue, top shelf pervert ((as you can read in my other story)) and while I have come to actually like Bobbi and therefore won't allow Bubba to truly harm her, lets just say she may be in way over her head. :-)

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2019, 02:03:04 pm »
Anytime ExtantElan! Look forward to more.

On another note, an admin has yet to pin this thread to the top of the forum .. :)

Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2019, 03:53:17 pm »
Maybe they've been mind controlled not to do so? :laugh: :angel:

Part 3

Binding Rings

I have one obvious problem with this, the incest. In truth, without that, I'd be loving this, but sorry, son, and mother, not for me! Loving the chess logic with Emma over the end of the date.
Compromise? Low end of definitely enjoyed. Would get high end if no incest, but thats my tastes! :angel:


This is just one I love. The characters are great, the story is great, and I love where its heading at present. Just the weather thats not my thing, lol! :P
High end of definitely enjoyed

Ingrained Resistance

Fine, I could do with an offer like Silveya's, and she might even be able to sort out my mind for me in more ways than one. On the other hand, I'm old, and not attractive, so ah well... :( Loved the story, brilliantly done, brilliantly played out
High end of definitely enjoyed

The (Late) Much Loved Old Clem

I love Max's stuff, though I'm never sure how much of that is the British thing? This is another delightful story from Mr Cummings, and I dont think we've seen the last of Clem, somehow?
High end of definitely enjoyed

Serving the Seniors

I know, first chapter was 18 years ago, but it was short, as was new chapter, and I am now a senior, so...beyond one small point, you really dont need to read the old chapter, but it does add to the amusement if you do, just saying...Thing is, this 'senior' would want to be on the receiving end, anyway! :laugh: 2 fun chapters, first one appealed more, probably because its ff (new chapter is md mf) but both are worth reading
High end of definitely enjoyed

In truth, any of last 4, but for the competition, could have got a low end of much enjoyed. But trying to split them would have been hard, but couldnt give 4 the higher mark. But if any, especially Silveya wish to discuss...? ;) More to come, hopefully tomorrow, health permitting
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2019, 10:53:46 pm »


This is just one I love. The characters are great, the story is great, and I love where its heading at present. Just the weather thats not my thing, lol! :P
High end of definitely enjoyed

I'd say the same thing as we had a snowstorm on Monday. Yay... Spring... That said, I loved writing this chapter, Gene's brother is one of the most fun characters I've ever written.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2019, 11:22:05 pm »
I know I've read Hair Today before... is it new to MCstories?  ???

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2019, 11:38:18 pm »
"College Undercover" comes to an end.  Pretty close to the ending that a lot of us saw coming, but just because something is predictable doesn't mean that it isn't good.  The scene with the last victim was particularly sexy.  I wonder if Carol would consider turning her daughter or Janice's daughters into whores...I guess we'll never know. 

Anyway, sexy ending to a sexy story.  I found the title drop at the end amusing, since it always amused me to think about how this door stopper story was called "College Undercover" despite the fact that Carol was undercover for, I forget, like three paragraphs max in the first chapter.

Thanks Gyrd.  I think I dropped some pretty heavy hints about where it would go, so not surprised people saw it coming.

As to what the future could hold...
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@Hypnospects: I actually opened this thread to exactly answer that question!

Ultimately, College Undercover was too dark for me. It's incredibly-written, hot from start to finish, but the ending is as cruel as the start was. It signals its tone loud and clear, and it's wormed its evil way into my head, but for me it's not a recommend if you don't enjoy the first chapter.

One thing I've learnt writing stories like this is that tastes are almost infinitely variable. I think it may be somewhat similar as to what is 'dark'. To answer Hypnospects that form of brainwashing doesn't occur again.  Is the story dark?  Yes, some of the things that happen are pretty dark. I won't deny that at all. But, oddly, I gave up on Pan's 'Limits' saga because it became too dark for me.  I would claim that story is darker than mine.  But that's *only* my opinion, others will find mine darker than Pan's (which is a very well-written story, just elements of it are too bleak for me).

Look at it this way
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2019, 07:33:31 am »
One thing I've learnt writing stories like this is that tastes are almost infinitely variable. I think it may be somewhat similar as to what is 'dark'. To answer Hypnospects that form of brainwashing doesn't occur again.  Is the story dark?  Yes, some of the things that happen are pretty dark. I won't deny that at all. But, oddly, I gave up on Pan's 'Limits' saga because it became too dark for me.  I would claim that story is darker than mine.  But that's *only* my opinion, others will find mine darker than Pan's (which is a very well-written story, just elements of it are too bleak for me).

Yup! My comments are purely taste-based. I have never liked 'forced' mind control - someone tied to a chair or forcibly restrained, physically fighting back against their controller. Unless I'm misremembering, I don't think it's ever appeared in my stories.

It's hard to deny that Limits is a 'darker' stories in many ways; it's allll about taste.

Great job on writing a compelling tale, btw. I've been seriously considering doing a chapter-by-chapter reread thread, just to properly explore my feelings on it and have an open discussion with the rest of the forum.
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2019, 04:23:04 pm »
Part 4

Following Her Dream

Ah, the ending! :angel: So yes, I'm looking forward (I think?) to seeing what happens next. The end with Snow, and Violet, I loved! All very cleverly done, in truth.
High end of definitely enjoyed

It Runs in the Family

Oh what a tangled web Connie is weaving. Another where I think I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Less so, due to the incest, and one obvious way out, but other than that. Some of the logic here varies between crazy, and great.
Low end of definitely enjoyed. Find it hard to give more due to the incest fascination

Subroutine (Kallie)

What can I say, other than lucky Sally! Yes, I would love Lori to do that to me, wouldnt need a second go, unless I was being greedy. The droning is cleverly done, and I love the Borg connection, what can I say?
High end of definitely enjoyed. Prepared to discuss more in exchange for droning process

Yew and Me

Thank you for reminding me this is a different author to the original story. Certainly well told, and some fascinating intrigue at the end. Again, I would love to be made into one of the mindless slaves here.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Last 4 to follow
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2019, 05:49:20 pm »
Part 4

Yew and Me

Thank you for reminding me this is a different author to the original story. Certainly well told, and some fascinating intrigue at the end. Again, I would love to be made into one of the mindless slaves here.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you for your very kind comments, Merry, I hope that I have managed to keep faith with Valasania's original themes and ideas and stayed true to the three-dimensional characters that she created.   No doubt if I do not, you or someone else will be good enough to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections... 

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2019, 05:53:51 pm »
Ah, the ending! :angel: So yes, I'm looking forward (I think?) to seeing what happens next. The end with Snow, and Violet, I loved! All very cleverly done, in truth.
High end of definitely enjoyed

I don't know why I was so anxious when I saw you were doing the next round of reviews, haha. As always, I'm glad to hear that you liked it. The second scene took a lot of work to get to a level I was happy with, and I fought with myself to not make it even happier. Janet never originally pushed Violet away, and then after I changed that, I had her invite Violet into the hug with Snow, but I'm glad I went the route that I did.

As for what's next, well... emus of course! Or at latest for chapter 17, all things depending.  >:D

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2019, 06:38:26 pm »
emus of course!

What have I done...  :-\

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2019, 07:19:32 am »
emus of course!

What have I done...  :-\

I think she's winding me up over making any assumptions about Rachel's appearance at the end of the chapter, thats all.

Part 4

Yew and Me

Thank you for reminding me this is a different author to the original story. Certainly well told, and some fascinating intrigue at the end. Again, I would love to be made into one of the mindless slaves here.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you for your very kind comments, Merry, I hope that I have managed to keep faith with Valasania's original themes and ideas and stayed true to the three-dimensional characters that she created.   No doubt if I do not, you or someone else will be good enough to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections... 

Prepare for a road-trip across Mars!

The characters seemed to gel for me, well the ones that were carry over's at least. Not that the mindless drone that I'd love to be are meant to have much character, lol! :angel:
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2019, 01:35:26 pm »
It seems this week's releases are doomed to never be pinned...
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2019, 05:35:55 pm »
I dunno. I loved College Undercover, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like the time skip happened one chapter too soon. I would have much rather seen Ellen break than hear about it after the fact, and the cliffhanger at the end of the previous chapter was basically left unresolved. It was initially disorienting, and a bit disappointing. That said, Carol breaking Kelly was really hot, and I do like where she ended up. Just not the sudden rush to get us there.

There's been a few people say they wanted to see Ellen break, rather than hear about it.  I wanted to show Carol as rich and successful before showing what she was doing to the girls.  Hence the backward reference to Ellen, rather than showing it.  I am sort of tempted to write it up now though, in the way of an epilogue.

I didn't really look on the second last chapter as a cliff hanger.  It was noted earlier in the story that the undercover officers can be arrested along with everyone else so their cover isn't blown.  Carol would have been taken in, Wainwright would have arranged for her to be released.  Both would have been happy for her to keep informing.

As to Wainwright letting her whore in the first place.  Yes, it was a stretch.  But this the story is meant to follow the tone of 70's cop shows and films, where  the main characters would often go way outside the law.  This is that trope applied to mc.

Some people asked about a sequel  It's possible.  Somebody has to take over after Carol.

To answer Pan about being an informant, that was Carol trying to fightback and hold on to who  she'd been.  The words never completely erased the policewoman.

As to Carol at 65, I'll go with her following Mrs Bowen's example and realising that whores retire.  Carol was always good at playing her role.

Thanks all to reading and for the comments.


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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2019, 05:38:36 pm »
One thing I've learnt writing stories like this is that tastes are almost infinitely variable. I think it may be somewhat similar as to what is 'dark'. To answer Hypnospects that form of brainwashing doesn't occur again.  Is the story dark?  Yes, some of the things that happen are pretty dark. I won't deny that at all. But, oddly, I gave up on Pan's 'Limits' saga because it became too dark for me.  I would claim that story is darker than mine.  But that's *only* my opinion, others will find mine darker than Pan's (which is a very well-written story, just elements of it are too bleak for me).

Yup! My comments are purely taste-based. I have never liked 'forced' mind control - someone tied to a chair or forcibly restrained, physically fighting back against their controller. Unless I'm misremembering, I don't think it's ever appeared in my stories.

It's hard to deny that Limits is a 'darker' stories in many ways; it's allll about taste.

Great job on writing a compelling tale, btw. I've been seriously considering doing a chapter-by-chapter reread thread, just to properly explore my feelings on it and have an open discussion with the rest of the forum.

Thanks Pan.  I don't remember anything like that in your stories either.

Obviously I'd love to see that reread thread.


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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2019, 07:50:05 pm »
"Limits" gets quite dark towards the end, what with Mom becoming "a prisoner in her own head".  I would have liked an ending that showed Mom as being happier in her sex slavery, like Lucy.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #48 on: April 12, 2019, 10:40:14 am »
Completed the reviews, without thread pinned, who would ever have thought? ::)

And so to complete

The Adventures of Sultry Girl

These 2 chapters were a bit more sex fixated, so of less interest to me. The illusionist chapter was amusingly done, but the first of the two pretty much was just a miss for me.
Compromise? Low end of definitely enjoyed. Those who enjoy sex more would probably give middle rating

And... Freeze

Oh fine, the only thing stopping this getting a much enjoyed rating is the length. So hot I was still tempted to give one. Maybe Benedetta wishes to discuss? ;) I was even more tempted with the ending, with Angie, but... I love the whole freeze concept anyway, and this is done in a delightful, and sweet way, with just enough of a sinister edge. Oh, fine, the Beverly Hills setting helps too. Oh to be model material... Loved every minute in truth.
Yes, high end of definitely enjoyed, must be good, given length (its over 16K). Offer to be frozen, and any rating Benedetta wishes! Freeze fans will love this

Laser Tag Party

Talking of stories I'd love to be part of, here's another one. Mind, I would want an actual alien look alter, after the event! This was great fun, would be happy to be any character in this, if it wasnt for the 'slight' age issue! Yes, those visors, and the alterations just sound so much fun. Well told too.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Again, open to 'discussion' lol

The Retainer

Some 'interesting' customers in the legal business, clearly. Fine, the ending wouldnt be my dream role, but might be fun, if the makeover works on 60 year old's, lol? :P I could work out where we were heading, but the journey was fun, and nicely told
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this update. Thanks as always to all authors involved, reviewed or not
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2019, 05:44:45 pm »
"Limits" gets quite dark towards the end, what with Mom becoming "a prisoner in her own head".  I would have liked an ending that showed Mom as being happier in her sex slavery, like Lucy.

It was what happened to the friend that stopped me reading more of the story.
