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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2019, 06:03:14 pm »
I'm kind of hoping that the story ends with Carol running a sort of specialized whorehouse where she MC's the girls to be more dedicated.  Take your part-time weekend hooker and lock her in a room for a while and give her the words.   :)


yes please


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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2019, 11:22:18 am »
Laser Tag Party (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Scalar Seventh
Sam Miller just wants to have a fun bachelorette party with her friends. And what could be more fun than ordering pizza, renting out the local laser tag business for the day, and getting everyone Altered to boot?

There are weeks that I wonder why I keep coming back to MC Stories. I don't care for the sociopathic stories. I really have a problem with them, unless the sociopath loses in the end. Rarely does that happen here.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

But then I encounter stories like Laser Tag Party, and I'm reminded why I come back. The site is a little like a slot machine, giving out good stories just often enough that I keep pulling the lever.

This story is FUN.

When I read the first installment, I was so inspired that I ended up writing my own, sorta-kinda similar story, but based on something everyone hates: a mandatory corporate team building weekend. Maybe the story will see the light of day sometime. But that's show much I enjoyed the first installment.

And now we have a second chapter of fun from Scalar Seventh.

The writing is good. Portions are just a little bit complicated, as the author describes the games that are about to be played. But that's brief, and then the games themselves happen. The author does a good job explaining events from the perspective of one of the guests at Sam's party.

It's *fun*. Nice job, Scalar Seventh.

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2019, 02:54:48 pm »
Let the mayhem (finally) begin

The Collaboration

Clearly I need to find a 'partner' to write stories for me! :laugh: Oh, and someone to hypnotise me, seemingly. Fine, a courtesan, at my age might not be my perfect role, but it would be fun, other than anal sex at least! ::) Fun quickie, in more senses than one
High end of definitely enjoyed

Losers Can’t Be Choosers

OK, I roared with laughter at the lines about Clarissa, and Catsuits, the author knows why already! Will Angela manage to turn events around? I hope so, but again someone already knows that! Beyond my usual Gail issues (and some love those), this is a great section of the story
High end of definitely enjoyed. See, mentioning Clarissa, and catsuits is worthwhile, lol! :P

A Plethora of Heathers

The sort of story Betsy does so brilliantly. I wonder who the new lucky victim might be, can only wish it was me! Yes, those tubes sound fun. Cant wait to read more of this!
Oh what the hell, low end of much enjoyed, why not? Well, there is her ego, but otherwise...

61 Days in River City

In truth, 2 Betsy gems this week, especially the Violet section of this. What will her 'gift' bring for her? Nothing wrong with other section in truth, but that was preferred piece.
Equally, her ego will explode if I give her 2 'too good' ratings, so I'll give high end of definitely enjoyed. Love you, Betsy xxx

We Will Never Speak of This

Fun hypno piece, I could probably do with a Nell job done on me, not that I can afford the appointments any more, but other than that... Oh, and lovely the ending too.
Definitely enjoyed

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Offline Fortunato

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2019, 07:21:33 pm »
I read the latest chapter of Night Time Nudging and thought it was incredibly hot. Nice work, MindSpark!


Offline mr potestas

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2019, 09:09:49 pm »
Let the mayhem (finally) begin

The Collaboration

Clearly I need to find a 'partner' to write stories for me! :laugh: Oh, and someone to hypnotise me, seemingly. Fine, a courtesan, at my age might not be my perfect role, but it would be fun, other than anal sex at least! ::) Fun quickie, in more senses than one
High end of definitely enjoyed

Glad I finally pushed your buttons at the higher level! I really wanted to put together something truly contemporary here. Journeys into Passion really aims to explore erotica much more freely than I have, allowing me to just do stories that would not fit inside an overarching mythology. The main story has a structure inspired by the Twilight Zone -- with very quiet MC and sci-fi elements, but the goal was to make both these stories directly relevant to today without actively being social commentary. A lot of fun, and perhaps a necessary palate cleanser to some of the stranger stories I'm working on already.

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2019, 10:46:25 pm »
Actually did a double-take when I saw The Mask Becomes You was in this update. Was one of my favorite stories at the time that it was being written, and I was really sad when I realized that it seemed to fall to the wayside. So glad to see that it's finally back, and this chapter did not disappoint.

I hope this also means a continuation of Algorithm, as that story held promise, and it left off at such a cliffhanger...

Offline Carefully_Random

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2019, 06:17:48 am »
Actually did a double-take when I saw The Mask Becomes You was in this update. Was one of my favorite stories at the time that it was being written, and I was really sad when I realized that it seemed to fall to the wayside. So glad to see that it's finally back, and this chapter did not disappoint.

I hope this also means a continuation of Algorithm, as that story held promise, and it left off at such a cliffhanger...

I was sad too! Life just got in the way. Thanks, I’m glad you liked the latest piece of The Mask becomes You :D I had a concern that it may have lost it’s kick due to the unplanned hiatus, but now that I’m back into it I’m really enjoying my plans for the next few chapters, although admittedly an ending is on the way.

As for Algorithm, it’s definitely on my radar, though right now Little Pink Pills seems to be flowing much easier from ideas to the page.

I’d say I may have something within a month, I’m gonna try and round up some of my older stories before posting some new ones (of which I may have half a dozen semi written / quasi planned out O_o)

Also trying to split my time between writing and catching up on some of the recent stories on here, anything over 10,000 words is rather daunting but I’m working through College Undercover and am meaning to check out The Hash and This is Our Story. :)

Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2019, 10:30:25 am »
Part 2

Action Force: The Annachurian Candidate

The author already knows I'd love a part in this series, though a much more mature brainwashing 'victim' would be needed for me! This works beautifully for the sort of series this is designed to be, Charlies Angels like. Yes, I'd love to be caught by the doctor, no, I dont want to be rescued! I do know the ending, for now at least, but more on that at right time.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Could have given more, but I need to not be too good about said Doctor. Might not brainwash me if I am! :angel:

Field Test (BeautifulFetish)

Oh fine, the abuse is a bit more than I personally enjoy, but otherwise, loving this. Loved the way Simean gave her the illusion of escape, even if you knew it wasnt going to happen, or indeed, was that all part of the control?
Low end of definitely enjoyed. Marked down, my tastes only

Keep Looking Where Your Eyes Are Looking Now

Its green fd, but thats about my only issue with this. Its delightfully told, and done, and he gets some benefits at least, so... Classic JB Hypno type piece.
Definitely enjoyed

Resistance 2

How much longer can Robert continue to resist? Lot long, I suspect. In the meanwhile, the women have gained another stud to keep them relatively satisfied. And now, another woman too. More sex driven than my tastes, but for most people, just fine
Low end of definitely enjoyed

Return of the Armored Warrior

Eugene, and JD have a lot in common, on the care front at least. Sadly he hasnt got an armored outfit for me, but other than that... Oh, PS, love Gwen as a character. Bit like a JB piece, goes without saying, beautifully written.
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2019, 03:13:49 pm »
The parts of "College Undercover" where Carol conditions Janice are always the sexiest parts and this was no exception.  This was a lot more evil than the others, but still sexy.

This. Except I’d say this time was a lot more evil than the others, which made it EVEN SEXIER.

Glad you both enjoyed it. And yes, Carol wasn't exactly being nice.


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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2019, 03:15:09 pm »

I'm kind of hoping that the story ends with Carol running a sort of specialized whorehouse where she MC's the girls to be more dedicated.  Take your part-time weekend hooker and lock her in a room for a while and give her the words.   :)

All I will say is that I have already written the end of the story.  It's the parts between there and here that I'm still working on.


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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2019, 03:16:22 pm »
I've never actually read the end of a Greyscribbler story (haven't yet checked out Fair Share, and Business & Pleasure is unfinished) so maybe this is overly optimistic, but I'm still hoping Carol breaks free and gets (at least some of) her old life back...

Which old life would that be?  :)  She's had a few...


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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2019, 08:33:55 pm »
Oh fine, the abuse is a bit more than I personally enjoy, but otherwise, loving this. Loved the way Simean gave her the illusion of escape, even if you knew it wasn't going to happen

Poor Carol.  In my defence, I did allow her to end up loving the sex, and she's still got all her marbles (well almost all, since she's incapable of wearing anything but the sluttiest of clothing any more, and she doesn't even realise it).  Although I haven't posted the stories here yet, I've written lots about Simeon and Mira, and they really are a nasty pair of sadists.  Long-term come-uppances are in order, I think everyone will agree.

Thanks for the positive reviews


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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2019, 09:39:23 am »
I've never actually read the end of a Greyscribbler story (haven't yet checked out Fair Share, and Business & Pleasure is unfinished) so maybe this is overly optimistic, but I'm still hoping Carol breaks free and gets (at least some of) her old life back...

Which old life would that be?  :)  She's had a few...


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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2019, 09:49:37 am »
If they could make me enjoy sex, then I'd really be impressed! :laugh: :angel:

Part 3

Dolly Syrup

Oh fine, thats 1 costume I wouldnt mind trying on myself! Indeed, might be only way you could get me interested in sex, something like that. So yes, apart from the jealously factor, perfect sort of story for me. Nicely written too. So, if someone wants to get me one of those valves...? ;)
High end of definitely enjoyed, almost tempted to more, for personal reasons

Fallen Angela

Not that either women is terribly likeable, but other than that, pretty good...At least the worse woman is on the receiving end, lol. Interesting story, thats for sure
High end of definitely enjoyed. Nearly gave standard version, but had better not annoy Rachel! :laugh:

The Hash

Loving the play between Eric and Jen here. Loved the twist re the book, and the library too. I dont get the Hash thing, but the story is fun
High end of definitely enjoyed


He hardly seems likeable, but still a step up on Melissa, so who cares? Clever enough use of the locket, I must say. Might be a blessing I'm polite, and not terribly pretty, lol! :laugh: Mind, the right person, the right locket...
Definitely enjoyed

Stop Watch

If my world ever stops, other than for seizure, I'll be concerned, lol. Mind, if anyone thinks I'm attractive...? :laugh: Until we get to the actual incest, I'm going to love this, for sure, as its delightfully told.
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2019, 02:26:34 pm »
Part 4


About the only time I find a blizzard to be fun. 3 cute ladies. 1 adorable guy, and a fun situation, need I say more? Only question here is who (or how many) Gene ends up living with here. Great piece of Rom MC, and I'm not certain he even realises it yet
High end of definitely enjoyed

Fun with Sabrina & Jon

I could audition for Susan's role, happily! Title sums this up perfectly, though there are a few side members involved this time around. Just love the events in the second chapter, especially his resistance
High end of definitely enjoyed


Oh to be drone, lol! :P And all this before the actual uplink commences. Process isnt terribly original, but doesnt stop me being jealous of the victims, or victims to be.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Probably ought to give less, so they make me part of hive mind, to get the better mark!

You Remember

Couldnt really get into this, but that may be because I couldnt really get into the related story. Or quite possibly, just not my thing.
No rating, for reasons above

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2019, 02:41:17 pm »

About the only time I find a blizzard to be fun. 3 cute ladies. 1 adorable guy, and a fun situation, need I say more? Only question here is who (or how many) Gene ends up living with here. Great piece of Rom MC, and I'm not certain he even realises it yet
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you, as always. I'm having a lot of fun feeling out which characters would, could, or should realise things.

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2019, 04:22:38 pm »
A Plethora of Heathers

The sort of story Betsy does so brilliantly. I wonder who the new lucky victim might be, can only wish it was me! Yes, those tubes sound fun. Cant wait to read more of this!
Oh what the hell, low end of much enjoyed, why not? Well, there is her ego, but otherwise...

What can I say except thank you so much Merry. High praise indeed. I'll ignore that bit about my ego.

61 Days in River City

In truth, 2 Betsy gems this week, especially the Violet section of this. What will her 'gift' bring for her? Nothing wrong with other section in truth, but that was preferred piece.
Equally, her ego will explode if I give her 2 'too good' ratings, so I'll give high end of definitely enjoyed. Love you, Betsy xxx

Thank you so much. I assure you my ego is intact. Love you too, Petal xxx
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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2019, 05:45:56 pm »

Losers Can’t Be Choosers

OK, I roared with laughter at the lines about Clarissa, and Catsuits, the author knows why already! Will Angela manage to turn events around? I hope so, but again someone already knows that! Beyond my usual Gail issues (and some love those), this is a great section of the story
High end of definitely enjoyed. See, mentioning Clarissa, and catsuits is worthwhile, lol! :P

Yes, I do know why.  ;) Thanks, dear, and the answer to your question about Angela is "yes." I have a feeling that something that happens in the next chapter will make you laugh as well but that would be telling...
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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2019, 10:21:58 pm »

Fun with Sabrina & Jon

I could audition for Susan's role, happily! Title sums this up perfectly, though there are a few side members involved this time around. Just love the events in the second chapter, especially his resistance
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you Merry, glad you enjoyed it. And trust me, no audition for you is necessary.

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2019, 10:34:19 pm »
Still one of my favorite stories to keep up with, The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle continue to go in interesting directions that surprise even my inclinations. Wasn't sure I would've liked the idea of a Louise, but the inclusion seems to really work, and instead of making the dynamic strained, it works to enhance it in classic Elle style for me. It was also nice to see the friend make an appearance, as well as the talk of where someone's will ends and another's control begins. Great chapter.

Keep Looking Where Your Eyes Are Now, as someone else pointed out, is classic Jukebox stuff, the kind I miss seeing on a regular basis. It's really cute how sexy Leah leads Sam down, especially at the end where it all seems like a natural part of what will be the funnest dynamic between them.

We Will Never Speak of This is also in the vein of a story with a sensuously slow and believable sense of inducing and control, followed by a surprisingly sweeter ending than expected. Really thought Nell was going to be the vessel Annette needed to deposit all the lust she was feeling, but I'm sure she felt some pleasure anyway. Really envy Annette's husband though.

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2019, 10:39:10 pm »
I've never actually read the end of a Greyscribbler story (haven't yet checked out Fair Share, and Business & Pleasure is unfinished) so maybe this is overly optimistic, but I'm still hoping Carol breaks free and gets (at least some of) her old life back...

Hate this idea.

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2019, 01:45:28 pm »
Part 5

Following Her Dream

Well, that wasnt what I was expecting to happen, thats for sure! :o But yes, I thoroughly approve, though now I desperately want to read the next chapter (yes, its up on update), but I mustnt until the right time. Talk about making me look at Janet, and Violet, in a totally different light, absolutely.
High end of definitely enjoyed. I suspect the next chapter is either getting a higher, or lower rating, depending on events! :angel:

Originals and Outsiders: Assemble

The trouble for this author, as with all of us that write about River City, is that we have to match up to the originator, and master of the genre. This is decent enough, but not as strong as the 'originals', and also needs a bit of an edit too. Having said that, fascinated to find out what happens in 20 minutes or so.
Low end of definitely enjoyed

A Priest in Her Service

Well, so far at least I'd call this green fd, but I can see where the md is coming from, I guess? Decent enough, if nothing special in the sense of a Goddess story, I'd say. Yes, the young, and beautiful conditions probably annoy me, lol. :P At the same time, fascinated to see where this goes from here
Definitely enjoyed

This Is Our Story

So who will Conner end up dating, and/or how many? Yes, this is my sort of story, and I'm sure I will be delighted for all as to how things play out. Well, maybe not Angelica, but who knows? Wouldnt be hard to convince me of a happy ending for her, I might add.
High end of definitely enjoyed.

Last 4, tomorrow, I suspect, at latest
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Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2019, 03:44:55 pm »
Following Her Dream

Well, that wasnt what I was expecting to happen, thats for sure! :o But yes, I thoroughly approve, though now I desperately want to read the next chapter (yes, its up on update), but I mustnt until the right time. Talk about making me look at Janet, and Violet, in a totally different light, absolutely.
High end of definitely enjoyed. I suspect the next chapter is either getting a higher, or lower rating, depending on events! :angel:

I've been eagerly awaiting your review for this chapter, and I was so glad after reading what you just wrote! Thank you so much for the kind words. I promise this chapter wasn't written just to get a more favorable review haha.

Also, meant to say this earlier, but I'm sorry to hear about what you have been going through. Stay strong, eh?

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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2019, 02:23:15 pm »
I'll stay as strong as I can, under circumstances, but really wont know full picture until after neurologist :angel:

And last, but by no means least

Carrie’s Descent

Well, thats quite a story, for sure. If Eve happens to need a single, older woman to go in that chamber...? It is long, but its delightfully told, lets just say. Not sure if we're going to find out more, or if thats it, in truth.
Definitely enjoyed

Help! I’m Trapped In A Romantic Visual Novel!

Payton, or Purin, end result, who knows? One thing's for sure, if I do ever try a VR system, I must be careful what it might do to me, lol. :laugh: Mind, if its called ROBOT, might make me keener to use it! Certainly thoroughly into this well written story, for sure
High end of definitely enjoyed

Laser Tag Party

Maybe I'm just not enough into games, or competitive enough for this? Maybe someone should alter me so I can find out? Its fun enough reading it mind, just really hard for an 'old wrinkly' like me to get into, as I am.
Low end of definitely enjoyed. Willing to be altered to discuss? ;)

The Triumphs of the Past

Remind me to be careful if I ever get an offer to go in a car with Max! :laugh: Mind, this is fun to read, I must say. Who, me, insert a gearknob in my 'bits', I dont think so! Unless...? Great read
Definitely enjoyed. Would have been high end 120 words less, lol! :P

Thats it for that update, thanks as always to all authors involved this week
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Re: New Releases-March 16th 2019
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2019, 06:05:05 pm »
I'll stay as strong as I can, under circumstances, but really wont know full picture until after neurologist :angel:

Take care, Merry, I'll be thinking about you.
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