Part 3, bit early, due to health issuesAscension (whatlookslike)Fine, its fair to say this is my perfect style of MC, as its fair to say both women get what they want to happen, just maybe? Develops beautifully, and I love the way Sabina gives Ellie the sort of boost in life that sounds perfect for her, and Sabina gets what was missing in her life. Perfect!
High end of definitely enjoyed
Bimbo-MidasDoes this makeover stuff make miraculous changes to disabled old 60 year olds, lol?

I could take a bit of boob growth, and loss of a bit of brains for a healthy, sexy young body! I do wonder how much longer it will be before Jimmy finally realises what is going on, but until then... A nicely told, fun story
High end of definitely enjoyed
Her Mother’s DaughterOK, the last minute reveal is absolutely brilliant, didnt see that coming. Whole story has been a delight, I must say. And if Maud is still seeking a slave...?
High end of definitely enjoyed
The Mayor (TheHandsThatLead)Talking of stories where justice is done in the end, here's another. Remind me not to fancy shutting down strip clubs, lol, not that I would, so not inclined that way, but no one would want me dancing in one now, anyway. Sort of piece I really love, in both a moral, and feelgood mode.
High end of definitely enjoyed
In truth, any of these 4 hovered around a low end of much, but given I would have felt guilty about giving to one, and not another, been boring. But if any author wishes to discuss, by normal methods, or mind control methods, you know where to find me!
Last 4 to come