FOr me, reading on the computer has been my main limit on reading long epic stories, both erotic and otherwise, posted online. Since getting a Tablet things have changed, however, I also work on the computer most days so.... last thing I want to do before bed is have white light blasted into my retinas.
As such, short reading is better. But that depends, also on the quality. There are authors you read because they have sexy ideas hidden amongst the bad grammar - Gettoman, for me, is someone I skim over and get done with quickly. Leigh's got the right of it: if it is quality, it'll be read. It just so happens that there is just SO MUCH stuff to read and watch and experience that our attention must be hooked quickly. Snap decisions, value judgment, all that.
Conversations within the community help a world. Telling our friends that there is this "totally cool and epic story you should read when you can". That the website works on chapters helps a lot. Though, when I read book I personally like stopping wherever I stop, not on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Different readings styles depend on the tools at hand.
But I do believe that longer works have a home here. If it is easier for readers to do it episodically, great. But eventually the story will be finished and found my someone else years after.
Silver Eclipse was the first story I read over two weeks here, after all.